LIBBI-102COMP-2 Part 2
The content outline below provides ideas and suggestion for teaching LIBBI-102COMP Part 2. Be familiar with the LIBBI quiz questions so you can cover that content.
AVON - In Living Color [misc., I sometimes have this running while students are coming in the room, then point out AVON as a database]
"Why do we associate certain colors with certain things? And do we really see every color of the rainbow or is our world just a 'pigment' of our imagination?.... This is a show about your brain and colors. We're gonna mess with your mind as we put you through a series of games and experiments that will change everything you thought you knew about color." [The video starts at about 2:00mins, so be patient when you begin to watch the video.]
- Questions?
- LIBBIs: COMP-102, Part 2 - Objectives, content, certificate
- opens new windowCOMP-102, 102H/HONR-101... Research Guide; Reference databases: opens new windowCQ Researcher and opens new windowCredo
- What is a periodical?
- What is peer-reviewed? Difference between academic/ scholarly/ peer-reviewed journals (& articles) and popular press/ magazines
- What is Journal Finder+? cf. to journals on the Web.
FIND ARTICLES - Database Searching [15-20 mins.]
- Choosing databases. How are databases different than the Web? Academic Search, EagleSearch
- Basic Search, Advanced Search
- Boolean operators: How do they work? AND, OR, NOT.
- AI (ChatGPT, etc. ) - An effective tool, trains itself, etc.
Teaching points -- Always follow your professor's guidelines. Some courses or assignments may not permit the use of ChatGPT or similar AI tools, while other courses may permit broader use within guidelines. - Demonstrate AI: Use for keywords, related or narrower topics, search expressions, brainstorm. What [databases] to search?
- AI can identify databases and resources to search, but it does not know what ORU has.
CONS: NOT for references or citations; Hallucinates, creates references, possible bias, errors in creating citations,
- AI (ChatGPT, etc. ) - An effective tool, trains itself, etc.
- Evaluate/interpret results - Use limiters (scholarly, full text, date limits, academic/peer-reviewed, etc.)
- How do you write a MLA citation for an article?
See: "General MLA Style Information" box on opens new windowCOMP 102: Citing Sources MLA Style course library guide.- Using AI requires a citation
Quizzes & Certificate [15-20 mins.]
- Quizzes - Students complete three Exit Exercises in D2Lcourse "LIBBI 102 COMP, Information Literacy." Password for quiz #1 -- mint2
- Survey & Certificate of Completion - Students must complete the Survey (under Communication). The survey submission page has the link to the Certificate. Students upload certificate PDF into their Composition course Dropbox. NO EMAILING the certificate to the professor.
- Provide individual and group assistance and explanation(s), as needed.
TOUR Innovation Station & Presentation Studio as time allows [5-10 mins] OR show highlights on following libguides:
- Library Learning Technologies - VR, flight simulator, 3D printer
- Presentation Studio - Using PowerPoint as background
- Explore educational immersive technologies
Audio books, ORU videos, database videos, VR/360; see Libguides listed below - Review MLA citations for a variety of medium (YouTube videos, books, ebooks, articles, Website, etc.)
Where are citation elements found in different sources? - Explore “controlled vocabulary”
Compare Keywords and Subject Headings/Thesauri Terms. - Identify keywords and subject terms for ethical and worldview articles and resources.
- Create effective search expression
- Identify functions of the EBSCO folder
As time allows, integrate aspects of the Composition 303 research assignment.
LIBBI-COMP 102 - edited out, do not publish
Web vs. Library Databases [10-15 mins.]
Compare and evaluate general searching, content, authority, relevance, etc.
Sample activities, as time allows:
- opens new windowEli Pariser: Beware of "filter bubbles" TedTalk
- Search results are biased; influenced by previous searching and selection
- --opens new windowWind farms are hardly the bird slayers they’re made out to be—here’s why (June 16, 2017 by Simon Chapman, The Conversation)
--opens new windowAn in-Depth Look at the Causes and Effects of Technostress (by Kyla Nwede) - opens new windowWhat are Databases and Why You Need Them [Yavapai College Library, YouTube, 2:34 mins.]
- opens new windowBoolean Operators - Science [B.D. Owens Library, YouTube, 3:03 mins.]
- opens new windowSearching Databases [Yavapai College Library, YouTube, 4:54 mins.]
- Database options/limiters: citations, read text, language, etc.; Web results influenced by previous searches
Choosing a databases: database list, library guides, etc. opens new windowCOMP-102, 102H/HONR-101... Research Guide
- COMP 102 guide > Reference > Journal of Religion and Culture, CREDO, GALE, etc.