About COMP-102, HONR-411 LIBBIs
How do you start research?
Where do you find scholarly articles?
How do you evaluate resources?
How do you cite online sources?
Beginning academic research includes a knowledge and understanding of these basic questions and requires more than simply "googling" to find sources. In addition to strategic search expressions, discerning the potential value, or purpose, of resource types and information credibility are key to efficient and effective research.
During the LIBBIs you will get an overview of library resources, learn basic skills to get started, and acquire basic knowledge of essential research tools.
The goal of the LIBBI is to help you master basic information skills that will enable you to successfully complete your research assignments with ease and efficiency. As part of COMP-102, -102H, and HONR-101, you will complete two LIBBIs: Part 1, an online tutorial to do at your own pace, and Part 2, a hands-on session in the LIBBI Lab during one of you class times.
Both LIBBI Part 1 and Part 2 are required. (See: opens new windowcourse syllabus, p. 5, Grading)
LIBBI-102COMP & LIBBI-411HONR Part 1, Tutorial
The ORU Library, Books & Ebooks, and Reference
After completing the Part 1 LIBBI Tutorial, you should be able to:
- Navigate the library Web page
- Access online resources
- Perform basic searches in the ORU library catalog
- Search and navigate ebooks
- Use online reference databases
Part 1 - Online Tutorial [Approximate completion time is 1 hr. 15 mins.]
This is an online and interactive tutorial for students to complete at their own pace, but before attending LIBBI Part 2. The tutorial has three (3) Modules. At the end of the tutorial, a "Certificate of Completion" is created for the student to upload in the Composition course D2L dropbox.
Important: Complete the Part 1 Tutorial before your class attends the Part 2 LIBBI session in the library.
To access and progress through the tutorial modules, click the tutorial link above and correctly answer basic questions as you work through the tutorial. After you complete one module, move to the next module.
As part of Module #1, you will be instructed to complete three short LIBBI Pre-Assessment quizzes in D2L, which take approximately 15-20 minutes. These quizzes give you an idea of how much you know about the library and academic research. The Pre-Assessment scores do NOT count, but are used for evaluation, improvement, and statistics. After you complete the Pre-Assessment quizzes, continue with Module #1.
Please note: If you already attended LIBBI Part 2 in the library with your class, you do not need to complete the LIBBI Pre-Assessments.
To get credit for LIBBI Part 1:
- Complete all three modules in the tutorial.
- Submit your name and email on the "Certificate of Completion" form (at the end of the tutorial).
- Download the Certificate PDF.
- Upload the Certificate PDF in your Composition 102 (or HONR 411) course D2L dropbox.
Note: A Certificate form submission is automatically documented in the library software, which substantiates all "Certificates of Completion."
Module #1 - The LIBBI Tutorial and Navigating the Library's Website [approximately 20-25 mins.]
This module explores the library website and briefly covers basic information and tools available there, including:
- Summary of the content and purpose of the COMP 102 LIBBI
- Ask-A-Librarian
- The Quick Search Box
- Off-Campus Access
- Database List
- Library Hours
- Library News
- Includes instructions (with links) to complete three short pre-assessment quizzes in D2L which are used for Library data (scores do NOT count).
Module #2 - Finding Books and Ebooks [approximately 20 mins.]
Explore the library catalog features and ORU's ebook collections.
- Books+
- Ebooks+
- Ebook databases
Module #3 - Reference Databases & "Certificate of Completion" [approximately 30-35 mins.]
Learn how to access, use, search, and get citations in some of the most popular online Reference databases.
- CQ Researcher
- Gale Ebooks
- Credo Reference
- Points of View Reference
- Includes 12 short optional instructional videos, ranging from 0.34 mins to 3:07 mins.
Library Guides:
- opens new windowComposition 102, 102H, HONR101, Course Research Guide
- opens new windowHow to Find Books and Ebooks
LIBBI-102COMP & LIBBI-411HONR Part 2, Hands-on Experience
Journals, Articles, and Databases
After completing the Part 2 LIBBI, you should be able to:
- Choose an appropriate database for your research
- Find a scholarly article using keyword and Boolean expressions
- Interpret, evaluate, and improve a search for more relevant results
- Create a MLA citation using a database tool, then accurately edit it
- Develop basic familiarity with library technologies, including the flight simulator, Presentation Room with green screen and podcasting technology, virtual reality, and a 3D printer.
- Find a journal or magazine title in Journal Finder+
Part 2 - Hands-on Session [1 hr. 15 mins.]
Discover and explore library resources and learn effective and efficient research skills. Sessions meet in the Library Instructional Lab (LIL) and virtual students will meet on Zoom. Complete the Part 1 Tutorial before attending Part 2. The Part 2 session is scheduled during a regular class time by your professor. Attendance at the LIBBI is required.
LIBBI Part 2 includes three short "WPA-Exit Exercises" in D2L course "LIBBI 102 COMP, Information Literacy." Scores will count as part the General Education Information Literacy rubric of your WPA; scores do not affect your Composition 102 grade. Students will complete a short survey and the "Certificate of Completion" form to upload to the D2L dropbox.
For virtual students, the Zoom link and password will be sent to your ORU email the day of the LIBBI session.
Related Guides:
Important Notes
- Both the Part 1 Tutorial and Part 2 hands-on session are required and must be completed. Non-attendance results in a letter grade consequence in the COMP 102 course. See your COMP 102 course syllabus.
- Completion of both LIBBIs is documented with a "Certificate of Completion" uploaded to the Composition course dropbox.
- For the semester, when the LIBBIs are over there is no way to make them up.
- You will need your network login (SSO). If your login does not work, contact the IT Concierge Desk at studenthelpdesk@oru.edu, 918.495.6321, or it.oru.edu.
Library Guides:
- LIBBI Schedule CalendarUse the Category drop menu and select "COMP 102, Part 2 LIBBIs (one session required)" to view dates and times.