What is a Periodical?
Periodical is the generic name for a "periodic" publication, such as newspaper, journal, or magazine published at a regular interval, which may be daily, weekly, monthly, or even annually. Journals, magazines, and newspapers are all examples of periodicals.
How to Find a Periodical Title?
- Journal Finder + This link opens in a new window
The ORU library subscribes to more than 32,000 periodicals in a variety of publication media, with most titles available full text online. Online full text titles include links to the full text with options to browse a single issue or search all issues to find an article.
To find a periodical title, search the ORU Journal Finder+.
Some titles are available in multiple formats and/or multiple databases. For online full text, the database(s) with full text will be listed. When a title is available "in-house" in paper format, there will be a link to "Oral Roberts University Library Holdings." Follow the links to what you need.
See also: opens new windowHow to Find a Journal Article from a Citation video [1:42 mins.]
Partial Title Lists in Database
To view the list of journals in a database:
Use the "Publications" link, or similar link, in a database (located in the top menu bar in EBSCO databases) to search or browse the periodical titles in the database. When you identify a title, mark one or more to search, or click a journal title to view the publication record.
To view a list of print journals in the library:
Use the ORU Library Catalog to search for "in-house" periodical titles, which are those located in the library, such as current print issues and bound print issues, and microform formats. The library catalog does NOT include online periodical titles.
- Catalog This link opens in a new window