Special Library Location Codes
Most periodicals are available online in a database and can be found and searched using the Journal Finder+.
Several current print titles are located on the second floor of the library. Older print periodicals are shelved at the Library Annex located at CityPlex. The library also has several special collections, such as those in the opens new windowHoly Spirit Research Center. For assistance, inquire at the Library Service desk.
- Journal Finder + This link opens in a new window
The chart below shows periodical special collections along with their abbreviation codes and locations.
Library Code | Special Library Collection Name and Location |
CMC | opens new windowCurriculum Media Center Location: Education Center, LRC 5th floor Contains the audiovisual collection of slides, tapes and cassettes, as well as children's literature, media for grades K-12, and other materials teachers use to develop curriculum. in addition, there is a computer lab for education majors. |
HLSSP | Health, Leisure and Sport Science Periodicals Location: opens new windowHLSS Research library, Aerobic Center. |
HSRC | Holy Spirit Resource Center Location: J.D. McKean Library, 3rd Floor. |
LRC-PER | Periodicals and Microform (newspapers, magazines, etc.) Location: Library Annex (at CityPlex) |
Reference Collection Location: J.D. McKean Library, 1st Floor. Includes subject encyclopedias, specialized dictionaries, handbooks and similar materials that you would not necessarily read cover-to-cover. The reference also includes many biblical commentaries.To find specific reference titles, use the Library catalog and limit to "Reference Collection." Books are shelved in Library of Congress (LC) call number order, so similar subjects will be shelved next to each other. See: opens new windowLC Classification Outline or inquire at the Library Services Desk for assistance. Reference books cannot be checked; however, some titles may have a duplicate in the main collection. Search the title you need in the library catalog to see if the book is located elsewhere in the library and available for checkout. |
Reserve | opens new windowReserve Materials Location: At the counter at the Library Services Desk, 1st Floor Consists of books, audiovisuals, tests, short articles and other items placed on reserve for student use in conjunction with courses offered at ORU. |