About LIBBI Labs

Throughout the semester, the library offers workshops to introduce new library products and research methods to facilitate and promote student success in the research process through efficient, optimized use of resources. To inquire about scheduling a LIBBI lab for your student group or course assignment, contact Professor Myra Bloom at 918.495.7174 or mbloom@oru.edu.

What are LIBBI Labs?

LIBBI Labs, an outcome of students suggestions and group requests, are offered throughout for optional, additional research assistance. The labs support individual student research needs by facilitating research time in the LIBBI Lab or on Zoom with librarian assistance available for specialized, targeted research help, as needed for assignments.

Who can attend a LIBBI Lab?

LIBBI Labs and general workshops are optional and open to all students.

Where is the schedule?

On the opens new windowLIBBI Calendar, click Category, then choose "Open Workshops/LIBBI Labs."

LIBBI Calendar

If you have questions, visit the Library Services desk or contact Myra Bloom at 918-495-7174 or mbloom@oru.edu.

LIBBIs Labs (Optional)

LIBBI-030CIT-MLS-Lab--Citing Sources, MLA Style, Lab
Optional LIBBI; open to all students.

No sessions currently scheduled.

Do you need help with your MLA citations or the Works Cited page? If yes, this 30-minute LIBBI Lab on “Citing Sources MLA Style” will help you create correctly formatted MLA citations and Works Cited page. Bring your citations to work on them during the LIBBI.

LIBBI-102COMP-Lab--Assignment/Paper Research Lab
Optional LIBBI; open to all Composition 102 students; attendance is NOT required

No sessions currently scheduled.

Get started on your research topic and find authoritative resources for your COMP 102 documented essay. Get assistance with your Works Cited page for print and online resource citations. This workshop provides a review of recommended resources for the assignment and one-on-one help, as needed.

LIBBI-303COMP-Lab--Assignment/Paper Research Lab
Optional; open to all Composition 303 students; attendance is NOT required.

No sessions currently scheduled.

This research workshop provides basic instruction for individual student topics, followed by an opportunity for students to do work on research with a librarian available to help. Some sessions may focus on the LIBBI Exit Exercises, as requested by students.

LIBBI-499/498ILL--Interlibrary Loan Lab
Open to any Sr. Paper and Sr. Paper Prep. students; attendance is NOT required.

No sessions currently scheduled.

Optional research sessions open to any senior paper/prep student. Just sign up in Vision then show up in the Library Instructional Lab (LIL). Get a review on in-depth, subject specific research strategies, in addition to answering interlibrary loan questions, such as:

• Is the item you need available at ORU?
• What do you need to do before submitting an ILL request?
• What is Interlibrary Loan? How much does it cost?
• Article? Book Review? Essay? What and where is it?
• How do you use citations to identify and locate sources?

Prerequisite: Familiarity with library databases and the catalog is strongly recommended. Need a refresher? Stop at the Library Services Desk and meet with a reference librarian to get the basics prior to attending. Attendance is taken to add names to the Interlibrary Loan sr. paper fee waiver list.