About COMP303 LIBBIs

LIBBI-303COMPComposition 303 students will attend one LIBBI-303COMP session, which is scheduled by their professor during a regular class time. During the LIBBI-303COMP, students will explore research topics within their discipline and discover a variety of discipline and subject related resources, skills and tools!

There is nothing to do in preparation for the LIBBI. If, however, you are not familiar with library resources and services or have not attended a Library Instruction (LIBBI) workshop, such as LIBBI-102COMP, it may be helpful to stop by the Library Services Desk to opens new windowmeet with a librarian for a brief introduction to the ORU Library.

You will need your network login (SSO). If your login does not work, contact the IT Concierge Desk at 918.495.6321, studenthelpdesk@oru.edu, or it.oru.edu.

See: opens new windowComposition 303, Course Research Guide.
LIBBI attendance is required. As noted in the opens new windowcourse syllabus, "Failure to complete LIBBI results in a 5% deduction to the semester grade."

LIBBI-303COMP, Objectives

"Subject and Discipline Related Research"

Required for all Composition 303 and Honors 303 students.

After the LIBBI you should be able to:

  • Identify subject-specific tools in a variety of medium.
  • Use controlled vocabulary in search expression.
  • Identify keywords and subject terms for ethical and world view resources.
  • Evaluate search results for relevancy, accuracy and authority.
  • Use the EBSCO folder.
  • Use database citation tools.
  • Explore sources of new educational technologies.

Four short Exit Exercise quizzes in D2L are competed at the end of the session. Scores are moved into student WPAs as part of the Information Literacy rubric. LIBBI quiz scores do not affect Composition 303 grades.

At the end of the LIBBI session students also complete and submit a Feedback Survey and the "Certificate of Completion" form to get a PDF to upload to their Composition 303 course D2L Dropbox.

See you in the LIL!

Student Feedback - LIBBI -303COMP

LIBBI student feedback chart

The chart above visualized the key themes identified from the student feedback in LIBBI-303COMP, showing the number of mentions each theme received. The student feedback provides a clear overview of topics most frequently discussed by the students.

Breakdown of Themes:

  • Library and Database Navigation - Most mentioned theme, indicating that 27.6% of the students found learning to navigate the library and databases particularly valuable.
  • Search Techniques - Also highly mentioned by 24.1% of the students, showing the importance of learning effective search strategies.
  • Resource Access - 17.2% of the students valued learning how to access various resources, including peer-reviewed articles.
  • Citation and Referencing - Proper citation and referencing techniques were important to a 13.8% of the students.
  • Specific Databases and Tools - Awareness and use of specific databases were noted by 10.3% of the students, though less frequently than the above themes.
  • Additional Support - 6.9% of the students mentioned the helpfulness of librarian support and research guides.

(Student feedback from 2023-2024 COMP 303 LIBBIs was analyzed by ChatGPT Data Analyst.)
OpenAI. (2024). ChatGPT (4o) [Large language model]. https://chat.openai.com