Review the Quizzes
Review the LIBBI-102COMP or LIBBI-303COMP quiz questions in D2L as a reminder of content to include when teaching.
Print LIBBI Roster & Attendance
Print the LIBBI roster in Argos, bring it to your teaching session, and have students initial the attendance roster. Non-attendance affects the student's course grade, so it is very important LIBBI attendance is recorded and accurate.
If a student’s name is not on the roster, add the student's name manually. Z#s are not needed and should not be written on the roster.
After the LIBBI, initial and date the roster then turn it in to Myra. You are welcome to keep a copy for yourself, but it is not necessary since the rosters are kept on file.The roster provides accurate documentation of student attendance and data for weekly reports requested by Dr. Roberts.
- Students in COMP-102, -102H, HONR101 and COMP-303 are required to complete the LIBBI(s). As outlined in their syllabi, non-attendance results in a 1/2 letter grade deduction for the course. Go to Composition 102 course syllabus.
- For a Zoom LIBBI session, record attendance on the roster in a way convenient for your teaching style, but have an accurate record of student attendance. A suggestion is to have students write their name in the chat section, do a screen capture or print the chat before the session is ended, then transfer attendance to the LIBBI Argos roster. Or, do a role call and mark the printed roster.
Open the LIBBI Lab
The teaching librarian is responsible to check that the LIBBI Lab is opened and to lock it after the session(s). Put out the roster. For a Zoom LIBBI, log in on time and allow students to join.
Please leave the instructor's computer on during the week, as advised by IT. When the instructor's computer is off and needs to be turned on, it may take up to 15-20 minutes for all the software programs to load. The computer can be used but it will be slow.
Teach the LIBBI
"LIBBI-102COMP-2"(Required of all COMP-102, -102H and HONR101 students)
If you miss teaching something during your LIBBI session, there is opportunity to cover it at the end of the session when students ask questions while completing the Exit Exercises in D2L.
- Review Part 1 contents.
- Go over Part 2 objectives on LIBBIs: COMP-102 guide.
- Cover contents in the D2L LIBBI quizzes and material on the COMP 102 Research guide.
- Use the last 15-20 minutes of the LIBBI for students to complete the three LIBBI "Exit Exercises" in D2L and provide assistance or explanations for student questions.
** Have students complete the Survey. On the Survey submission page, have students click the Certificate of Completion link, get their certificate PDF, and then upload it to their COMP D2Ldropbox. If time is available after the quiz, take students to the Innovation Station and Presentation Studio for a brief tour.
"LIBBI-303COMP" (Required of all COMP-303 students)
- Review objectives on LIBBI-303COMP guide.
- Cover contents in the D2L LIBBI quizzes and material on the COMP 303 Research guide.
- Use the last 15-20 minutes of the LIBBI for students to complete four LIBBI "Exit Exercises" in D2L and provide assistance or explanations for student questions.
** Have students complete the Survey. On the Survey submission page, have students click the Certificate of Completion link, get their certificate PDF, and then upload it to their COMP D2Ldropbox.
These LIBBIs are requested during a class time by professors for instruction focused on a specific research assignment (RA).
Turn in the Roster
After the session turn in the initialed student roster or email a copy to Myra. Your teaching time(s) and session(s) will be automatically added to the LI statistics and data will be available for requested weekly LI reports.