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Book on the Greek Fathers
Greek Orthodox Patrology: An Introduction to the Study of the Church Fathers by
Call Number: BR67 .C48 2005Publication Date: 2005
Greek Fathers
- Archelaus, Saint, d. 282
- Aphrahat, Saint, 4th c.
- The Cappadocians
- Basil the Great, bishop of Caesarea, c. 329–379
- Gregory of Nyssa, c. 330–c. 394
- brother of Basil the Great
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- Gregory of Nazianzus, c. 330–c.390
- friend of Basil the Great
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- Caesarius of Nazianzus, d. 369
- brother of Gregory of Nazianzus
- Cyril of Jerusalem, d. 386
- Leontius of Byzantium, d. c. 545
- Pseudo-Dionysius, the Areopagite, flourished c. 500
- Syrian monk
- synthesized Christianity with Neoplatonism
- emphasized negative theology
- describes the ascent of the soul
- Romanos Melodos, 6th c.
- wrote hymns
- known for kontakion, form of acrostic sermon written in verse
- Anastasius Sinaita, Saint, d. 700
- Andrew of Crete, Saint, d. 740
- Maximus the Confessor
- critic of monothelitism
- saw the Incarnation as goal of history
- John of Damascus, early 8th c.
- synthesis of Greek fathers
- defended icons