Council of Chalcedon
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Chalcedonian Fathers
- Theodoret of Cyr
- drafted Formula of Union, 433
- Forced to condemn Nestorius
- Cyril of Alexandria
- first to denounce Nestorius
- proponent of hypostaticunion and Word-flesh Christology
- Trinitarian
- wrote Bible commentaries
- Leo the Great, pope, 400–461
- Dogmatic Letter condemning Eutychianism addressed to Flavian, bishop of Constantinople
- pulpit orator
- dissuaded Attila the Hun from invading Italy in 452
- In tome of Leo, condemned Eutychianism and formulated foundational arguments for Chalcedonian debates
- John of Antioch
- Flavian of Constantinople (had been deposed at the Robber Council)
- The papal legates who presided at the council:
- Paschasinus, bishop of Lilybaeum
- Bishop Lucentius
- The priest Boniface
- Dioscurus of Alexandria deposed for role at so-called Robber Council of Ephesus
- Eusebuius of Dorylaeum
- Emperor Marciana and the Empress Pulcheria.
Chalcedonian Council
Council of Chalcedon (1st: 381), 4th ecumenical council