About the Alexandrian Theological School
- Influenced by Philo who attributed the Scriptures with historical, ethical, and spiritual meaning
School of Alexandria
- Athenagoras of Athens — see Apologists
- first head of the Alexandrian catechetical school
- Pantaenus the Sicilian
- Clement of Alexandria, 150–214 — see Ante-Nicene Fathers
- studied under Pantaenus
- Origen, c. 184–255 — see under Ante-Nicene Fathers
- Heraclas
- Dionysius, c. 190–265, bishop of Alexandria (247–265)
- major work: on the Promises
- commentaries on Ecclesiastes and Luke
- Eusebius of Caesarea, c. 260–c. 339
- historian
- trained in allegorical method by Pamphilus, Origen's student
- wrote commentaries on Isaiah, Psalms, and Luke
- Athanasius, c. 295–373 — see Nicene Fathers
- Didymus the Blind, c. 313–c.398
- disciple of Origen
- wrote many commentaries
- focused on two senses of Scripture, literal and spiritual
- Cyril of Alexandria, Saint, 380–444
- opponent of Nestorians
- wrote Contra Diodorum et Theodorum, accusing Theodore of Nestorianism
- wrote Adoration and Worship in Spirit and Truth and Glaphyra
- also wrote commentaries on Isaiah, the Minor Prophets, and the Gospel of John
Selected Works
Treatises by
Call Number: EbookISBN: 9780813211367Publication Date: 2010This volume presents several treatises of St. Cyprian (200/10?-258) in translation.