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Selected Book about the Antiochian School
Theodoret's People: Social Networks and Religious Conflict in Late Roman Syria by
Call Number: EbookPublication Date: 2011
School of Antioch
- Lucian of Antioch, c. 240–312 (opens new windowabout)
- founder of Antiochene school
- Eustathius, bishop of Antioch, fl. 325 (opens new windowabout)
- opposed Arianism
- protested excessive allegorism
- held to a Logos-Man Christology
- Diodore, bishop of Tarsus, d. c. 392 (opens new windowabout)
- taught John Chrysostom and Theodore of Mopsuestia
- condemned postmortem as Nestorian
- John Chrysostom, d. –407
- "golden-mouthed" orator
- Theodore of Mopsuestia, c. 350–428 or 429 (opens new windowabout)
- as an Antiochene exegete, emphasized the literal meaning and avoided the allegorical
- teachings condemned as Nestorian in the 2nd Council of Constantinople 125 years after his death
- at the re-publication of his Catechetical Homilies in 1932 some scholars exonerated him, but not all
- taught Theodoret and Nestorius
- Theodoret, bishop of Cyrrhus (or Cyr), c. 393 – before 466: see Apologists
- opposed Cyril's teachings
- Nestorius