Later Apologists
- Hippolytus of Rome, 170-236
- Refutatio Omnium Haeresium
- Apollinaris, bishop of Hierapolis
- opens new windowArnobius of Sicca (the elder), 253–c. 337:
- apologist during reign of Diocletian
- convert from paganism
- wrote Adversus nationes
- Clement of Alexandria
- Origen
- Lactantius
- opens new windowEusebius, bishop of Caesarea, c. 260-c. 340
- opens new windowTertullian, c. 160-c. 230 (opens new windowabout): see also Ante-Nicene Fathers
- opens new windowAdversus Marcionem
- De praescriptione haereticorum (On the prescription against heretics)
- Augustine
- on heresy
- opens new windowMarcus Minucius Felix, d. c. 250
- opens new windowEpiphanius of Salamis, c. 310-403
- opens new windowPanárion: lists 80 heresies
- opens new windowTheodoret, bishop of Cyrrhus (or Cyr), c. 393 - d. before 466: see Antiochene School
- opposed Cyril's teachings
- Haereticarum fabularum compendium
- opens new windowJohn of Damascus
- John Chrysostom, d. 407
Second-Century Apologists
- Quadratus (opens new windowabout)
- Apology written to Hadrian, 125
- survives only as quoted fragment in Eusebius' History (4.3.1–2)
- fragment refers to the miracles of Jesus
- opens new windowAristides, early 2nd c.
- Apology
- opens new windowJustin Martyr, c. 100-c. 165 (opens new windowabout)
- calls Simon Magus the first heretic in Sýntagma
- opens new windowTatian, c.120–c. 173 (opens new windowabout)
- pupil of Justin
- opens new windowDiatessaron
- opens new windowMelito of Sardis, d. 190
- opens new windowIrenaeus, bishop of Lyons, c. 135–200 (opens new windowabout)
- disciple of Polycarp
- Adversus haereses (Valentinius and Gnosticism)
- opens new windowTheophilus of Antioch, d. 181
- opens new windowAthenagoras of Athens, active 2nd c. (opens new windowabout)
- convert from Platonism
- Hegesippus, 2nd c.
- Memorials
- Epistle to Diognetus, late 2nd c.
- Philastrius, bishop of Brescia
- Diversarum haereseon liber
Search Strategies to Use in Library Catalog
- Apologetics -- Early works to 1800Subject search
- Apologetics -- History -- Early church, ca. 30-600Subject search
- ("Fathers of the Church") and (apolog*) and early