Selected Works
Disciplinary, Moral, and Ascetical Works by
Call Number: EbookPublication Date: 2008Treatises by
Call Number: EbookISBN: 9780813211367Publication Date: 2010This volume presents several treatises of St. Cyprian (200/10?-258) in translation.
Ante-Nicene Fathers
- opens new windowClement of Alexandria, 150-215 (opens new windowabout)
- influenced by Philo's allegorical method
- believed higher truths can be communicated only through symbol
- differentiated three senses of Scripture: literal, moral, and allegorical (prophetic)
- opens new windowAthenagoras c. 133–c. 190 (opens new windowabout)
- Athenian philosopher and apologist
- opens new windowTheophilus, active 2nd c.; d. c. 183–185 (opens new windowabout)
- 7th bishop of Antioch (c. 169–c. 183)
- wrote the Apology to Autolycus
- described by Eusebius as defender of the faith
- precursor to the great apologists
- opens new windowTatian, c. 120-173 (opens new windowabout)
- Caius
- Commodianc. 250
- Christian Latin poet
- converted to Christianity late in life
- Origen, 184-255 (opens new windowabout)
- opens new windowCyprian, bishop of Carthage, c.200-258 (about)
- led the church during persecution, schism, and plague
- Tertullian, c. 160-225 (opens new windowabout)
- wrote Apology, 197
- wrote polemical works, e.g., Adversus Marcionem
- joined the Montanists c. 212
- related opens new windowwebsites
- opens new windowSextus Julius Africanus, c. 160-c.240 (opens new windowabout)
- student of Origen
- opens new windowHippolytus, c. 170-235 or 236 (opens new windowabout)
- student of Irenaeus
- antipope
- Novatian, c. 200-c. 258 (about)
- antipope who was consecrated as pope in 251 and later excommunicated
- first Roman theologian to use the Latin language
- opens new windowGregory Thaumaturgus, c. 213-c. 270 (opens new windowabout)
- student of Origen
- wonderworker
- Dionysius of Alexandria, c. 190-265
- student of Origen
- successor to Heraclas in 232 as head of catechetical school
- successor to Heraclas as bishop of Alexandria, 247
- argued that the book of Revelation was not authored by the disciple John
- correspondence is detailed in the works of Eusebius
- Anatolius, d. c.282
- became bishop of Laodiceain 268
- opens new windowLactantius, c. 240-320 (opens new windowabout)
- opens new windowMarius Victorinus, c. end of 3rd c.-after 363, (opens new windowabout),
- in Epistolam Pauliad Galatas
- Opera theologica ("Theological Treatises on the Trinity")
- explains the inner life of the Trinity using Neoplatonism