Library Music WorkstationMusic Workstation

The music workstation is located in the Innovation Station, J.D. McKean Library, Room 102. This well equipped and easy-to-use workstation enables the many ORU musicians not enrolled in the Music Department to learn basic digital composition and recording.

It is equipped with:

opens new windowArturia KeyLab Essential 49 MIDI Keyboard Controller (opens new windowWatch video.)
• Laptop, Headset
• Ableton Live 10 software sequencer and digital audio workstation (DAW), offering users five software instruments, 34 audio effects and eight MIDI effects.
opens new windowFinale music notation software to capture musical inspiration and create sheet music. Printers are available.

Innovation Station Music StationNo appointment or scheduling is necessary.
Nothing to check out. If you need assistance, please inquire at the Library Service Desk.

Note: The Copyright Law of U.S. Code, Title 17, governs the making of photocopies or other reproductions of copyrighted material. The person using this equipment and software is liable for any infringement.