Steps in a Literature Review

Follow the suggested steps below for conducting literature review research.

  1. Identify the Question (for the PICOT):
    • Formulate a clear and focused research question using the PICOT framework (Patient/Problem, Intervention, Comparison, Outcome, Time).
    • Use an AI tool such as ChatGPT to brainstorm, explore optional components, focus a clinical question, and/or get suggestions on specific interventions, comparisons, and outcomes. See:
    • Use CINAHL's PICO search.
  2. Search for Articles:
    • Search relevant databases (e.g., MEDLINE, CINAHL, OVID) using keywords and controlled vocabulary related to your PICOT.
    • Use Boolean operators (AND, OR, NOT) to refine your search.
    • Set appropriate and required limits (e.g., peer-reviewed, date).
    • Utilize advanced search features to specify article types or study design for levels of evidence (e.g., randomized controlled trials, systematic reviews, case studies).
    • Use an AI tool and key in a prompt to get a list of keywords, phrases, and subjects to search for your PICOT.
  3. Critically Analyze and Evaluate the Articles:
    • Evaluate the quality and relevance of each article by examining the article in the context of Evidence-Based Parctice (EBP). Use database advanced search limiters and select the desired publication format or research type.
    • Determine the level of evidence (e.g., randomized controlled trials, cohort studies, case studies)
    • Evaluate the article to determine if it supports your PICOT question.
  4. Refine the Search Strategy:
    • Based on your results and evaluation, refine your search strategy to address an gaps.
    • Modify your keywords and subjects, apply new filters, and explore additional databases to ensure comprehensive literature search.
    • Consider broadening or narrowing the scope of your search or modifying your PICOT, as needed.
  5. Manage References:
    • Keep track of all your sources.
    • Use the EBSCO folder or other management software such as opens new windowZotero to store and organize your references.
    • Ensure citations and formatting are accurate according to your professor's requirements and the APA 7th style guide.