
This guide provides resources, tools, and information on how to effectively conduct GDNP Evidence-Based Practice (EBP) research. Before you begin your research, review Evidence-Base Practice and levels of evidence to familiarize yourself with the concepts and different levels of publication types.

Follow the suggested steps below for conducting literature review research.


  1. Identify the Question (for the PICOT):
    • Formulate a clear and focused research question using the PICOT framework (Patient/Problem, Intervention, Comparison, Outcome, Time).
    • Use an AI tool such as ChatGPT to brainstorm, explore optional components, focus a clinical question, and/or get suggestions on specific interventions, comparisons, and outcomes.
  2.  Search for Articles:
    • Search relevant databases (e.g., MEDLINE, CINAHL, OVID) using keywords and controlled vocabulary related to your PICOT.
    • Use Boolean operators (AND, OR, NOT) to refine your search.
    • Set appropriate and required limits (e.g., peer-reviewed, date).
    • Utilize advanced search features to specify article types or study design for levels of evidence (e.g., randomized controlled trials, systematic reviews, case studies).
    • Use an AI tool and key in a prompt to get a list of keywords, phrases, and subjects to search for your PICOT.
  3.  Critically Analyze and Evaluate the Articles:
    • Evaluate the quality and relevance of each article by examining the article in the context of EBP.
    • Determine the level of evidence (e.g., randomized controlled trials, cohort studies, case studies)
    • Evaluate the article to determine if it supports your PICOT question.
  4.  Refine the Search Strategy:
    • Based on your results and evaluation, refine your search strategy to address an gaps.
    • Modify your keywords and subjects, apply new filters, and explore additional databases to ensure comprehensive literature search.
    • Consider broadening or narrowing the scope of your search or modifying your PICOT, as needed.
  5.  Manage References:
    • Keep track of all your sources.
    • Use the EBSCO folder or other management software such as Zotero to store and organize your references.
    • Ensure citations and formatting are accurate according to your professor's requirements and the APA 7th style guide.

Library Workshop & "Certificate of Completion"

Your professor may have scheduled LIBBIs, or library workshops, to equip students with the tools needed for effective research. If students are required to submit a LIBBI "Certificate of Completion," instructions will be given at the end of the LIBBI session for students to complete the Certificate and upload it to their course D2L dropbox. This will be done during the LIBBI session.

Fall 2024

LIBBI-715GDNP-1 -- Intro to Library Resources with Certificate of Completion,  Tuesday August 20, 2024, 7:00-7:30 PM
A brief overview of library resources, nursing databases, and getting started on a PICO(T). 

LIBBI-715GDNP-2 -- Intro to Doctoral-Level Lit Review Searches with Certificate of Completion, Tuesday, September 17, 2024, 7:00-8:00 PM
An in-depth exploration of nursing database features, including structuring and editing searches to align with your PICO(T) framework. Also covers steps and tools for retrieving and formatting citations and creating a Reference List in APA style. 

 LIBBI-715GDNP-3 -- Lit Review Searches Continued with Certificate of Completion,  Tuesday, October 22, 2024, 7:00-7:30 PM