Sample Topic & Search

To begin, create a list of keywords related to your topic of interest, and expand it as you discover new terms during your research. Use the database advanced search page or the limiters to refine your search for targeted results.

Topic Example: The role of biofortification and crop improvement in addressing global nutritional deficiencies

Sample Search Terms: biofortification, enriched food, crop improvement, crop fertilization, soil fertility, plant ionomics, ionomes, engineered fertilizer, enhanced crops, crop productivity, pros/cons, advantage, effect, impact, history, chronology, risk, benefit, etc.

Sample Searches:

In Science Direct search:

biofortifications AND advantage AND "essential nutrients"
engineered and fertilizer and increase nutrients

In GreenFILE search:

biofortification* AND "essential nutrients"

In Google Scholar search:

"genetically modified food" AND biofortificatoion

Explore a Topic

Use reference resources (e.g., subject dictionaries and encyclopedias, handbooks) to obtain background information, an overview of your topic, key issues, an understanding of basic concepts, narrower and related terms, and definitions.

Search videos by keyword, then filter by date, channel, publisher, and more. Find a video of interest and search the video transcript to play specific sections relevant to your topic.
Sample videos:

opens new windowAVON videoopens new windowAVON videoopens new windowAVON video

Select a Relevant Database & Create Search Expressions

On the library page, Click Databases, then choose "Or browse the alphabetical Databases & Electronic Resources list." Choose a subject and click Search to get a list of related databases.

Use relevant keywords to construct a variety of search expressions across all relevant databases. The examples below demonstrate how searches can be changed to refine and improve effectiveness and generate relevant results. Search options include database subject headings and MeSH (medical subject headings), phrases searching, and using truncation (*). The examples below demonstrate various search expressions and queries.

  • (glutamate metabolism) AND (pain or inflammation)
  • ("glutamate metabolism") AND (pain or inflammation)
  • (MH "Pain+") AND (MH "Glutamates+/ME") AND (effect* or influenc* or impact) - MeSH [MH=major heading] and keyword search
  • glutamate metabolism AND (pain or inflammation) AND (effect* or impact* or influence) AND (study or research or report) - keyword search
  • "glutamate metabolism" AND inflammation
    glutamate AND metabolism AND inflammation
  • "fetal microchimerism" AND physiological
    "fetal microchimerism" AND physiological AND (effect OR impact OR factor)
  • "sustainable practices" AND (farms or agriculture)
    sustainability And approach AND (farms OR agriculture)
  • sustainable practices AND (farms OR agriculture)
    DE "SUSTAINABLE development" AND agriculture
  • biofortification AND study AND essential nutrients AND advantage
  • enriched foods and fertilized and "essential nutrients"

Limit Results

Limit date, age group, subsets, etc., as needed to match your research needs.

Do you need primary research, clinical trials, surveys?
Try a search that includes the publication type you need, such as clinical trial, comparative study, research, etc. Or use the database Advanced Search to mark limiters that may include gender, age, subsets, date, and more.