Core Databases

Search with keywords or browse the thesuarus (shown below).
Environment Complete Thesaurus

• To browse journals, choose a discipline, or "domain," under "Refine publications by," then further refine by "subdomain."
   - View opens new windowEnvironmental Sciences journals.
- View opens new windowBiochemistry, Genetics and Molecular Biology journals.
• To request an article from interlibrary loan, use the opens new windowILL form or email the citation information to
• To move a ScienceDirect article into your EBSCO folder, go to EagleSearch, then key in and search for the article title. Sign in and add the article to your EBSCO folder or add it to your Google Drive.
•  Includes cited references.

Related Databases

opens new windowUSGS (U.S. Geological Society) Publications Warehouse
    Access to over 170,000 publications written by USGS scientists over the century-plus history of the bureau.

Medical & Health Databases

opens new windowNational Center for Biotechnology Information (NCBI)
    Provides access to biomedical and genomic information.

Dissertations & Theses

​Full text is available for immediate free download and many available for purchase in print.

Note: After you select a dissertation/thesis, use the Cite feature to get a citation in CSE or other selected style.
ProQuest Citations