For a list of full text top 10 journal titles, as determined by the SCIMago Journal Rank, see opens new windowBiology Research: Journals.

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Sample Titles:

International Journal of Biochemistry and Cell Biology (1995 - present) - Includes research articles on mechanistic studies of cells, sub-cellular molecular pathways and metabolism; disease pathogenesis; nanotechnology; genomics and bioinformatics and more.

opens new windowJournal of Biochemistry (1996 - present; Full text delay: 12 months) - Peer-reviewed coverage of original research in the fields of biochemistry, molecular biology, cell and biotechnology. View opens new windowJB featured article free online.

opens new windowScience by American Association for the Advancement of Science (AAAS) (1880 - present) - Content includes brief news stories, in-depth articles, original research reports, editorials, job postings, essays, and book reviews. Reports on international developments and research in all fields of science.

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Sample Titles:

opens new windowBES: Biomedical and Environmental Sciences (ScienceDirect)
opens new windowScience of the Total Environment (ScienceDirect)

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