Journal Finder+
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For a list of journals, use Journal Finder+ to search by a subject (e.g., biology, environmental sciences) or keyword(s). Use the "Peer reviewed" limiter to refine the journal result list to peer reviewed journals.
Sample Titles:
- International Journal of Biochemistry and Cell Biology - Includes research articles on mechanistic studies of cells, sub-cellular molecular pathways and metabolism; disease pathogenesis; nanotechnology; genomics and bioinformatics and more.
- Journal of Biochemistry ( Full text delay: 12 months) - Peer-reviewed coverage of original research in the fields of biochemistry, molecular biology, cell and biotechnology.
- Science by American Association for the Advancement of Science (AAAS) (1880 - present) - Content includes brief news stories, in-depth articles, original research reports, editorials, job postings, essays, and book reviews. Reports on international developments and research in all fields of science.
Open Access Journal Resources
- BioOneFull-text database of leading journals in the biological, ecological, and environmental sciences. Indexing and abstracts; no full text.
- PLOSE One: Biology and Life SciencesFeatures reports of original research from the natural sciences, medical research, engineering, as well as the related social sciences and humanities that will contribute to the base of scientific knowledge. Article records include downloads, views and cited references.
- Scientific Research Publishing (SCIRP)Currently publishes open access, peer-reviewed journals covering a wide range of academic disciplines. Article records include downloads, views and cited references. opens new windowmore
Journals in Databases
Browse and select journal titles in a database (shown below). Click a journal title then search your topic within the journal or browse dates/volumes to select a single issue.
Selected Full Text Journal Titles
How the titles below were selected?
The full text journal titles listed below are in the top 10 list of journals as determined by opens new windowSCImagoJournal and Country Rank, The SJR, or opens new window SCIMago Journal Rank, indicator measures the scientific influence, impact or prestige of the average article in a journal. The H Index expresses the number of articles cited... opens new windowmore)
Agricultural and biological sciences (Misc.):
• opens new windowMolecular Systems Biology
• opens new windowPLOS Biology
• opens new windowBiological Reviews
• opens new windowCurrent Biology
• opens new windowBMC Biology
• opens new windowProceedings of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences
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Agronomy and plant sciences:
• opens new windowFood and Energy Security
• opens new windowPlant Biotechnology Journal
• opens new windowMolecular Plant-Microbe Interactions: MPMI
• opens new windowAgricultural and Forest Meteorology
• opens new windowMolecular Plant Pathology
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Ecology, evolution, behavior and systematics
• opens new windowGenome Biology
• opens new windowTrends in Ecology and Evolution
• opens new windowMolecular Biology and Evolution
• opens new windowAnnual Review of Ecology, Evolution and Systematics
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Insect sciences:
• opens new windowAnnual Review of Entomology
• opens new windowSystematic Entomology
• opens new windowInsect Biochemistry and Molecular Biology
• opens new windowJournal of Experimental Biology
• opens new windowCurrent Opinion in Insect Science
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