Council of Science Editors (Formerly Council of Biology Editors) Style & Format, 8th Edition

The Council of Science Editors uses CSE (formerly CBE) style and format called Scientific Style and Format: The CSE Manual for Authors, Editors, and Publishers. CSE style is used in biology and other life and physical sciences.

Citing AI Tools - CSE Style

The Council of Science Editors recommends treating AI-generated content as personal communication. Personal communication advice is as follows:

  • Cite personal communication in-text only,
  • Do not include in the References section.
  • Include a description of the content that was created or edited and the name of the language model or tool, version and extension numbers, and manufacturer

Example: I asked it to respond to a prompt for "factors that influence gene expression" (ChatGPT [OpenAI], response to question from author, 3 May 2024).

(Always follow your professor's guidelines for AI use in the course.)


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