Quick Article Search Using EagleSearch

The fastest way to search for articles is to use EagleSearch's Advanced Search.

  1. Choose the discipline "Religion & Philosophy."
  2. Key in the search strategy.
  3. When the results come up, filter them in the left menu by selecting the source type, "Academic Journals."
  4. To further refine the search, select one or more of the following options:
  • Peer Reviewed
  • Full Text
  • Date
  • Language

Find Articles by Searching Selected EBSCO Databases

Another way to find articles is to search several EBSCO databases at once:

  1. In an EBSCO database, at the top of the search page of that database, click the "Choose databases" link
  2. Select the five desired databases, and then click OK either at the top or the bottom of the page.
  3. Key in the desired search strategy, e.g. ("problem of evil" OR theodicy) AND (suffering).
  4. Narrow the search by clicking the source type "Academic Journals" as well as by date or any other filter in the left menu.

Top Theological Databases for Finding Articles

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