Books & Ebooks
Books: Search the library catalog for ORU holdings. For books held elsewhere, look in WorldCat (opens new windowFirstSearch or opens new windowopen access). Another way to locate books is to browse the B Library of Congress class numbers either by doing a call number search for the desired classification in the library catalog or by browsing the B section in the Reference area or in the Main collection(where books that may be checked out are shelved).
- Catalog This link opens in a new window
- FirstSearch Databases (All) This link opens in a new window
Ebooks: The ORU Library provides access to three major ebook collections: eBook Collection (EBSCOhost), ebook Religion Collection, and Ebook Central (ProQuest). The EBSCO ebook collection has over 13,000 titles related to religion and over 7,600 related to psychology and sociology while all 8,390 titles in the other EBSCO ebook collection are related to religion. Also, Ebook Central has over 10,000 titles in religion, 6,900 in philosophy, and 3,000 in psychology.
- For more on How to Find Books and ebooks, use the library guide with that name.
- For more on how to use and download ebooks, see the ebooks@ORU guide.
- Ebook Central This link opens in a new window
- eBook Collection (EBSCOhost) This link opens in a new window
- eBook Religion Collection (EBSCOhost) This link opens in a new window
Ebook Databases
- Cambridge Companions to Religion Collection This link opens in a new window
- Digital Karl Barth Library This link opens in a new window
- Ebook Central This link opens in a new window
- eBook Collection (EBSCOhost) This link opens in a new window
- eBook Religion Collection (EBSCOhost) This link opens in a new window
- Ministry Matters This link opens in a new window
- Oxford Handbooks Online: Religion This link opens in a new window
- Twentieth Century Religious Thought: Christianity This link opens in a new window
Selected Books on Theologians
Great Theologians
- opens new windowThe First Christian Theologians: An Introduction to Theology in the Early Church
- opens new windowThe Medieval Theologians
- opens new windowThe Reformation Theologians: An Introduction to Theology in the Early Modern Period
- opens new windowThe Pietist Theologians: An Introduction to Theology in the Seventeenth and Eighteenth Centuries
- opens new windowThe Modern Theologians: An Introduction to Christian Theology since 1918
Great Theologians Series
- opens new windowAnselm of Canterbury: The Beauty of Theology
- opens new windowAthanasius: A Theological Introduction
- opens new windowKarl Barth: Theologian of Christian Witness
- opens new windowThomas F Torrance: Theologian of the Trinity
Other Selected Titles
- opens new windowBiographical Dictionary of Christian Theologians
- opens new windowHandbook of Evangelical Theologians
- opens new windowFifty Key Christian Thinkers
- opens new windowFifty Key Medieval Thinkers
- opens new windowKey Thinkers in Christianity
- opens new windowThe Student's Companion to the Theologians
- opens new windowTwentieth-Century Catholic Theologians: From Neoscholasticism to Nuptial Mysticism
Selected Books on Historical Theology
- opens new windowThe Church at the Turning Points of History
- opens new windowThe Crisis of Christendom
- opens new windowHistorical Theology: An Introduction to a History of Christian Thought
- opens new windowA History of Christian Thought
- opens new windowTheological Turning Points: Major Issues in Christian Thought
- opens new windowTurning Points: Decisive Moments in the History of Christianity
- opens new windowTurning Points in the History of American Evangelicalism
Selected Theology Books
Early Christian Doctrine by
Call Number: BT25 .K4 1978Publication Date: 1978Christianity: An Introduction by
Call Number: EbookPublication Date: 2015Christian Theology: An Introduction by
Call Number: EbookPublication Date: 2010Christology: A Global Introduction by
Call Number: EbookPublication Date: 2016Father, Son and Holy Spirit: Essays Toward a Fully Trinitarian Theology by
Call Number: BT111.3 .G86 2003Publication Date: 2003Third Article Theology: A Pneumatological Dogmatics by
Call Number: EbookPublication Date: 2016