Books & Ebooks

Books: Search the library catalog for ORU holdings. For books held elsewhere, look in WorldCat (FirstSearch or opens new windowopen access). Another way to locate books is to browse the B Library of Congress class numbers either by doing a call number search for the desired classification in the library catalog or by browsing the B section in the Reference area or in the Main collection(where books that may be checked out are shelved).

Ebooks: The ORU Library provides access to three major ebook collections: eBook Collection (EBSCOhost), eBook Religion Collection (EBSCOhost), and Ebook Central (ProQuest). The EBSCO ebook collection has over 13,000 titles related to religion and over 7,600 related to psychology and sociology while all 8,390 titles in the other EBSCO ebook collection are related to religion. Also, Ebook Central has over 10,000 titles in religion, 6,900 in philosophy, and 3,000 in psychology.

Ebook Databases

Subject Specific Ebook Collections

Selected Theology Books