Introductory Material on the New Testament
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Search book and ebooks titles in the catalog, or try a subject search.
Here are listed a few works on New Testament available in the ORU Library. To find more, do a subject search for Bible. New Testament in the library catalog.
Dictionary of the Later New Testament and Its Developments by
Call Number: BS2625.5.D53 1997 ReferencePublication Date: 1997IVP Bible Dictionary seriesDictionary of New Testament Background by
Call Number: EbookPublication Date: 2000IVP Bible Dictionary series
Also available in print: BS2312.D53 2000 ReferenceIntroduction to the New Testament by
Call Number: BS2330.2.B76 1997Publication Date: 1997Anchor Bible reference libraryThe IVP Dictionary of the New Testament: A One-Volume Compendium of Contemporary Biblical Scholarship by
Call Number: BS2312.I89 2004Publication Date: 2004IVP Bible Dictionary seriesThe Jewish Annotated New Testament by
Call Number: BS2091.5.A1 2011 O8 ReferencePublication Date: 2011New Testament Theology by
Call Number: EbookPublication Date: 1994Also available in print: BS2397. C35 1995The Origins of Christianity: A Historical Introduction to the New Testament by
Call Number: EbookPublication Date: 1993Reading the New Testament: Contemporary Approaches by
Call Number: BS2361.3.C76 2010Publication Date: 2010The Spirit of the New Testament by
Call Number: BS2370.T46 2005 Holy Spirit Resource CenterPublication Date: 2005Theology of the New Testament by
Call Number: EbookPublication Date: 2000Blessed Among Women? Mothers and Motherhood in the New Testament by
Call Number: EbookISBN: 9780190677084Publication Date: 2017Biblical Theology: The God of the Christian Scriptures by
Call Number: EbookPublication Date: 2016
New Testament - Selected Commentaries
Here are listed selected commentaries on the New Testament. To find more, do a subject search in the library catalog for Bible. New Testament -- Commentaries.
Commentary on the New Testament by
Call Number: BS2341.52.G86 2010 ReferencePublication Date: 2010Full Life Bible Commentary on the New Testament by
Call Number: BS2341.2.F85 1999 ReferencePublication Date: 1999The New Testament Study Bible by
Call Number: BS2535.2.N474 v.2-10 Reference & Holy Spirit Resource CenterPublication Date: 1988–1991The Complete Biblical LibraryThe IVP Bible Background Commentary by
Call Number: EbookPublication Date: 20141993 ed. available in print: BS2341.2.K445 1993 ReferenceThe Jewish Annotated New Testament by
Call Number: BS2091.5.A1 2011 O8 ReferencePublication Date: 2011
Ebooks on the New Testament
- Ebooks on the New Testament
Bible Commentary Series
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Use the catalog to search the selected Bible commentary series listed below, which includes publishers, academic level, denominational affiliation, or other stated perspectives.
Abingdon New Testament Commentaries | ANTC | Abingdon | Pastoral | United Methodist |
Abingdon Old Testament Commentaries | AOTC | Abingdon | Pastoral | United Methodist |
Africa Bible Commentary Series | Hippo Books | |||
The Anchor Yale Bible (OT & NT) | AB | Doubleday/Yale | Critical | Various viewpoints |
Ancient Christian Commentary on Scripture (OT & NT) | ACCS | InterVarsity | Academic | Historical |
Ancient Christian Texts (OT & NT) | InterVarsity | Academic | Historical | |
Apollos Old Testament Commentary | AOTC | InterVarsity | Academic | Evangelical |
ArtScroll Tanach | ArtScroll | Academic | Jewish | |
Augsburg Commentary on the New Testament | Augsburg | Academic | Evangelical Lutheran | |
Baker Commentary (OT: Wisdom and Psalms) | Baker | Academic | Evangelical | |
Baker Exegetical Commentary on the New Testament | BECNT | Baker | Academic/Pastoral | Evangelical |
BHGNT (Baylor Handbook on the Greek New Testament) | BHGNT | Baylor University Press | Academic | Baptist |
Baylor Handbook on the Hebrew Bible | Baylor University Press | Academic | Baptist | |
Belief: A Theological Commentary on the Bible (OT & NT) | Belief | Westminster John Knox | Presbyterian | |
Believers Church Bible Commentary (OT & NT) |
BCBC | Herald Press | Pastoral | Mennonite |
Berit Olam (OT) | Liturgical Press | Academic | Catholic | |
Bible Speaks Today (OT & NT) | BST | InterVarsity | Devotional/Pastoral | Evangelical |
Black's New Testament Commentaries | BNTC | Black/Hendrickson | Evangelical | |
Blackwell Bible Commentaries (OT & NT) | Wiley/Blackwell | Secular | ||
Brazos Theological Commentary on the Bible (OT & NT) | BTCB | Baker | Pastoral/Academic | |
Cambridge Bible Commentary (OT & NT) | CBC | Cambridge | Academic | Secular |
Catholic Commentary on Sacred Scripture (NT) | Baker | Pastoral | Catholic | |
Communicator's Commentary (OT & NT) | ComC | Word Books | Pastoral | Evangelical |
The Complete Biblical Library (OT & NT) | ||||
Concordia Commentary (OT & NT) | Concordia | Pastoral/Academic | Lutheran Church-Mo. Synod | |
Continental Commentaries (OT & NT) | CC | Fortress | Academic | Evangelical Lutheran |
Cornerstone Biblical Commentary (OT & NT) | CsBC | Tyndale House | Pastoral | Evangelical |
Daily Study Bible (OT & NT) | DSB | Westminster Press | Devotional | Presbyterian |
Eerdmans Critical Commentary (OT & NT) | ECC | Eerdmans | Academic | Various viewpoints |
Encountering Biblical Studies (OT & NT) | Baker | Evangelical | ||
Epworth Commentaries | EC | Epworth Press | ||
Exegetical Guide to the Greek New Testament | EGGNT | Pastoral/Academic | Evangelical | |
Expositor's Bible Commentary (OT & NT) | EBC | Armstrong/Zondervan | Pastoral/Academic | Evangelical |
Expositor's Bible Commentary (OT & NT) (new edition) | Zondervan | Pastoral | Evangelical | |
Forms of the Old Testament Literature | FOTL | Eerdmans | Various viewpoints | |
Gospel according to the Old Testament | P&R | Reformed | ||
Hermeneia: A Critical and Historical Commentary (OT & NT) | Hermeneia | Fortress/Augsburg | Technical | Various viewpoints |
Historical Commentary on the Old Testament. | HCOT | Peeters | Academic | |
Holman Old Testament Commentary | Broadman & Holman | Pastoral | Baptist | |
International Critical Commentary (OT & NT) | ICC | T & T Clark/Scribner | Technical | Various viewpoints |
International Theological Commentary (OT) | ITC | Eerdmans | Academic | Various viewpoints |
Interpretation: A Bible Commentary for Teaching & Preaching (OT & NT) | INT | Westminster John Knox | Academic | Presbyterian |
opens new windowInterpreter's Concise Commentary (OT & NT) | Abingdon | Academic | United Methodist | |
Interpreting Biblical Texts (OT & NT) | Abingdon | United Methodist | ||
IVP New Testament Commentary | IVPNTC | InterVarsity | Pastoral | Evangelical |
Jewish Apocryphal Literature | Harper | Jewish | ||
JPS Torah Commentary | JPSTC | Jewish Publication Society | Academic | Jewish |
Laymen's Bible Commentary | John Knox Press | |||
Life Application Bible (NT) | Tyndale | Pastoral | Evangelical | |
New American Commentary (OT & NT) | NAC | Broadman & Holman | Pastoral | Baptist |
New Beacon Bible Commentary | NBBC | Beacon Hill Press | Pastoral | Wesleyan |
New Cambridge Bible Commentary (OT & NT) | NCBC | Cambridge University Press | Academic/Pastoral | Various viewpoints |
New Century Bible Commentary (OT & NT) | NCB | Eerdmans | Pastoral/Academic | Evangelical |
New Collegeville Bible Commentry | NCBC | Liturgical Press/Augsburg | Pastoral | Catholic |
New Covenant Bible Commentary Series | ||||
New International Biblical Commentary (OT & NT) | NIBCOT & NIBCNT | Hendrickson/now Baker | Academic | Evangelical |
New International Commentary (OT & NT) | NICOT & NICNT | Eerdmans | Technical | Evangelical |
New International Greek Testament Commentary | NIGTC | Eerdmans | Academic | Evangelical |
New Interpreters Bible (OT & NT) | NIB | Abingdon | Academic | United Methodist |
New Testament for Everyone (N. T. Wright) | Westminster John Knox | Devotional/Pastoral | Anglican | |
New Testament in Context | NTinC | |||
The New Testament library | NTL | Westminster John Knox | Academic | Presbyterian |
New Testament Readings | NTR | Routledge | ||
NIV Application Commentary (OT & NT) | NIVAC | Zondervan | Pastoral | Evangelical |
Old Testament for Everyone (John Goldingay) | Westminster John Knox | Devotional | Anglican | |
The Old Testament Library | OTL | Westminster John Knox | Academic | Presbyterian |
Oxford Bible Commentary | OxBC | Oxford University Press | Academic | Non-denominational |
Paideia (NT) | Baker | Pastoral/Academic | Various viewpoints | |
Pentecostal Commentary Series (NT) | Deo Publishing | Academic | Pentecostal | |
Pillar New Testament Commentary | PNTC | Eerdmans | Academic | Evangelical |
Preaching the Word | Crossway | Pastoral | Reformed | |
Reformation Commentary on Scripture (OT & NT) | InterVarsity | Academic | Reformed | |
Sacra Pagina (NT) | SP | Liturgical Press | Academic | Catholic |
Septuagint Commentary Series | Brill | Academic | ||
Smyth & Helwys Bible Commentary | SHBC | Smyth & Helwys | Pastoral | Various viewpoints |
Socio-Rhetorical Commentary (NT) | SRC | Eerdmans/IVP Academic | Academic | Arminian |
Soncino Books of the Bible (OT) | Soncino Press | Academic | Jewish | |
Spirit-Filled Life New Testament Commentary | Nelson | Academic | Pentecostal/Charismatic | |
Story of God Bible Commentary | Zondervan | Pastoral | Evangelical | |
Two Horizons New Testament Commentary | THNTC | Eerdmans | Academic | Evangelical |
Two Horizons Old Testament Commentary | THOTC | Eerdmans | Academic | Evangelical |
Tyndale New Testament Commentaries | TNTC | Eerdmans | Pastoral | Evangelical |
Tyndale Old Testament Commentaries | TOTC | Eerdmans | Pastoral | Evangelical |
Understanding the Bible Commentary series | UBC | Baker Books | Pastoral | Various viewpoints |
UBS Handbook Series (OT & NT) | UBS Handbooks | United Bible Societies | Academic | |
Wesleyan Bible Commentary (OT & NT) | Eerdmans/Hendrickson | Academic | Wesleyan | |
Westminster Bible Companion (OT & NT) | Westminster John Knox | Devotional | Presbyterian | |
Word Biblical Commentary (OT & NT) | WBC | Nelson | Academic | Evangelical |
Yale Judaica series (OT) | Yale University Press | Jewish | ||
Zondervan Exegetical Commentary (NT) | ZECNT | Zondervan | Pastoral | Evangelical |