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Introductory Material on the New Testament
Here are listed a few works on New Testament available in the ORU Library. To find more, do a subject search for Bible. New Testament in the library catalog.
Ebooks (Online) Commentaries
Biblical Theology: The God of the Christian Scriptures by
Call Number: EbookPublication Date: 2016Blessed Among Women? Mothers and Motherhood in the New Testament by
Call Number: EbookISBN: 9780190677084Publication Date: 2017Dictionary of New Testament Background by
Call Number: EbookPublication Date: 2000IVP Bible Dictionary series
Also available in print: BS2312.D53 2000 ReferenceNew Testament Theology by
Call Number: EbookPublication Date: 1994Also available in print: BS2397. C35 1995The Origins of Christianity: A Historical Introduction to the New Testament by
Call Number: EbookPublication Date: 1993Theology of the New Testament by
Call Number: EbookPublication Date: 2000
Print (In the Library) Commentaries
Dictionary of the Later New Testament and Its Developments by
Call Number: BS2625.5.D53 1997 ReferencePublication Date: 1997IVP Bible Dictionary seriesIntroduction to the New Testament by
Call Number: BS2330.2.B76 1997Publication Date: 1997Anchor Bible reference libraryThe IVP Dictionary of the New Testament: A One-Volume Compendium of Contemporary Biblical Scholarship by
Call Number: BS2312.I89 2004Publication Date: 2004IVP Bible Dictionary seriesThe Jewish Annotated New Testament by
Call Number: BS2091.5.A1 2011 O8 ReferencePublication Date: 2011Reading the New Testament: Contemporary Approaches by
Call Number: BS2361.3.C76 2010Publication Date: 2010The Spirit of the New Testament by
Call Number: BS2370.T46 2005 Holy Spirit Resource CenterPublication Date: 2005
New Testament - Selected Commentaries
Here are listed selected commentaries on the New Testament. To find more, do a subject search in the library catalog for Bible. New Testament -- Commentaries.
Ebook (Online) Commentaries
The IVP Bible Background Commentary by
Call Number: EbookPublication Date: 20141993 ed. available in print: BS2341.2.K445 1993 Reference
Print (In the Library) Commentaries
Commentary on the New Testament by
Call Number: BS2341.52.G86 2010 ReferencePublication Date: 2010Full Life Bible Commentary on the New Testament by
Call Number: BS2341.2.F85 1999 ReferencePublication Date: 1999The Jewish Annotated New Testament by
Call Number: BS2091.5.A1 2011 O8 ReferencePublication Date: 2011The New Testament Study Bible by
Call Number: BS2535.2.N474 v.2-10 Reference & Holy Spirit Resource CenterPublication Date: 1988–1991The Complete Biblical Library
Ebooks on the New Testament
- Ebooks on the New Testament
Bible Commentary Series
Use the catalog to search the selected Bible commentary series listed below, which includes publishers, academic level, denominational affiliation, or other stated perspectives.
Abingdon New Testament Commentaries | ANTC | Abingdon | Pastoral | United Methodist |
Abingdon Old Testament Commentaries | AOTC | Abingdon | Pastoral | United Methodist |
Africa Bible Commentary Series | Hippo Books | |||
The Anchor Yale Bible (OT & NT) | AB | Doubleday/Yale | Critical | Various viewpoints |
Ancient Christian Commentary on Scripture (OT & NT) | ACCS | InterVarsity | Academic | Historical |
Ancient Christian Texts (OT & NT) | InterVarsity | Academic | Historical | |
Apollos Old Testament Commentary | AOTC | InterVarsity | Academic | Evangelical |
ArtScroll Tanach | ArtScroll | Academic | Jewish | |
Augsburg Commentary on the New Testament | Augsburg | Academic | Evangelical Lutheran | |
Baker Commentary (OT: Wisdom and Psalms) | Baker | Academic | Evangelical | |
Baker Exegetical Commentary on the New Testament | BECNT | Baker | Academic/Pastoral | Evangelical |
BHGNT (Baylor Handbook on the Greek New Testament) | BHGNT | Baylor University Press | Academic | Baptist |
Baylor Handbook on the Hebrew Bible | Baylor University Press | Academic | Baptist | |
Belief: A Theological Commentary on the Bible (OT & NT) | Belief | Westminster John Knox | Presbyterian | |
Believers Church Bible Commentary (OT & NT) |
BCBC | Herald Press | Pastoral | Mennonite |
Berit Olam (OT) | Liturgical Press | Academic | Catholic | |
Bible Speaks Today (OT & NT) | BST | InterVarsity | Devotional/Pastoral | Evangelical |
Black's New Testament Commentaries | BNTC | Black/Hendrickson | Evangelical | |
Blackwell Bible Commentaries (OT & NT) | Wiley/Blackwell | Secular | ||
Brazos Theological Commentary on the Bible (OT & NT) | BTCB | Baker | Pastoral/Academic | |
Cambridge Bible Commentary (OT & NT) | CBC | Cambridge | Academic | Secular |
Catholic Commentary on Sacred Scripture (NT) | Baker | Pastoral | Catholic | |
Communicator's Commentary (OT & NT) | ComC | Word Books | Pastoral | Evangelical |
The Complete Biblical Library (OT & NT) | ||||
Concordia Commentary (OT & NT) | Concordia | Pastoral/Academic | Lutheran Church-Mo. Synod | |
Continental Commentaries (OT & NT) | CC | Fortress | Academic | Evangelical Lutheran |
Cornerstone Biblical Commentary (OT & NT) | CsBC | Tyndale House | Pastoral | Evangelical |
Daily Study Bible (OT & NT) | DSB | Westminster Press | Devotional | Presbyterian |
Eerdmans Critical Commentary (OT & NT) | ECC | Eerdmans | Academic | Various viewpoints |
Encountering Biblical Studies (OT & NT) | Baker | Evangelical | ||
Epworth Commentaries | EC | Epworth Press | ||
Exegetical Guide to the Greek New Testament | EGGNT | Pastoral/Academic | Evangelical | |
Expositor's Bible Commentary (OT & NT) | EBC | Armstrong/Zondervan | Pastoral/Academic | Evangelical |
Expositor's Bible Commentary (OT & NT) (new edition) | Zondervan | Pastoral | Evangelical | |
Forms of the Old Testament Literature | FOTL | Eerdmans | Various viewpoints | |
Gospel according to the Old Testament | P&R | Reformed | ||
Hermeneia: A Critical and Historical Commentary (OT & NT) | Hermeneia | Fortress/Augsburg | Technical | Various viewpoints |
Historical Commentary on the Old Testament. | HCOT | Peeters | Academic | |
Holman Old Testament Commentary | Broadman & Holman | Pastoral | Baptist | |
International Critical Commentary (OT & NT) | ICC | T & T Clark/Scribner | Technical | Various viewpoints |
International Theological Commentary (OT) | ITC | Eerdmans | Academic | Various viewpoints |
Interpretation: A Bible Commentary for Teaching & Preaching (OT & NT) | INT | Westminster John Knox | Academic | Presbyterian |
opens new windowInterpreter's Concise Commentary (OT & NT) | Abingdon | Academic | United Methodist | |
Interpreting Biblical Texts (OT & NT) | Abingdon | United Methodist | ||
IVP New Testament Commentary | IVPNTC | InterVarsity | Pastoral | Evangelical |
Jewish Apocryphal Literature | Harper | Jewish | ||
JPS Torah Commentary | JPSTC | Jewish Publication Society | Academic | Jewish |
Laymen's Bible Commentary | John Knox Press | |||
Life Application Bible (NT) | Tyndale | Pastoral | Evangelical | |
New American Commentary (OT & NT) | NAC | Broadman & Holman | Pastoral | Baptist |
New Beacon Bible Commentary | NBBC | Beacon Hill Press | Pastoral | Wesleyan |
New Cambridge Bible Commentary (OT & NT) | NCBC | Cambridge University Press | Academic/Pastoral | Various viewpoints |
New Century Bible Commentary (OT & NT) | NCB | Eerdmans | Pastoral/Academic | Evangelical |
New Collegeville Bible Commentry | NCBC | Liturgical Press/Augsburg | Pastoral | Catholic |
New Covenant Bible Commentary Series | ||||
New International Biblical Commentary (OT & NT) | NIBCOT & NIBCNT | Hendrickson/now Baker | Academic | Evangelical |
New International Commentary (OT & NT) | NICOT & NICNT | Eerdmans | Technical | Evangelical |
New International Greek Testament Commentary | NIGTC | Eerdmans | Academic | Evangelical |
New Interpreters Bible (OT & NT) | NIB | Abingdon | Academic | United Methodist |
New Testament for Everyone (N. T. Wright) | Westminster John Knox | Devotional/Pastoral | Anglican | |
New Testament in Context | NTinC | |||
The New Testament library | NTL | Westminster John Knox | Academic | Presbyterian |
New Testament Readings | NTR | Routledge | ||
NIV Application Commentary (OT & NT) | NIVAC | Zondervan | Pastoral | Evangelical |
Old Testament for Everyone (John Goldingay) | Westminster John Knox | Devotional | Anglican | |
The Old Testament Library | OTL | Westminster John Knox | Academic | Presbyterian |
Oxford Bible Commentary | OxBC | Oxford University Press | Academic | Non-denominational |
Paideia (NT) | Baker | Pastoral/Academic | Various viewpoints | |
Pentecostal Commentary Series (NT) | Deo Publishing | Academic | Pentecostal | |
Pillar New Testament Commentary | PNTC | Eerdmans | Academic | Evangelical |
Preaching the Word | Crossway | Pastoral | Reformed | |
Reformation Commentary on Scripture (OT & NT) | InterVarsity | Academic | Reformed | |
Sacra Pagina (NT) | SP | Liturgical Press | Academic | Catholic |
Septuagint Commentary Series | Brill | Academic | ||
Smyth & Helwys Bible Commentary | SHBC | Smyth & Helwys | Pastoral | Various viewpoints |
Socio-Rhetorical Commentary (NT) | SRC | Eerdmans/IVP Academic | Academic | Arminian |
Soncino Books of the Bible (OT) | Soncino Press | Academic | Jewish | |
Spirit-Filled Life New Testament Commentary | Nelson | Academic | Pentecostal/Charismatic | |
Story of God Bible Commentary | Zondervan | Pastoral | Evangelical | |
Two Horizons New Testament Commentary | THNTC | Eerdmans | Academic | Evangelical |
Two Horizons Old Testament Commentary | THOTC | Eerdmans | Academic | Evangelical |
Tyndale New Testament Commentaries | TNTC | Eerdmans | Pastoral | Evangelical |
Tyndale Old Testament Commentaries | TOTC | Eerdmans | Pastoral | Evangelical |
Understanding the Bible Commentary series | UBC | Baker Books | Pastoral | Various viewpoints |
UBS Handbook Series (OT & NT) | UBS Handbooks | United Bible Societies | Academic | |
Wesleyan Bible Commentary (OT & NT) | Eerdmans/Hendrickson | Academic | Wesleyan | |
Westminster Bible Companion (OT & NT) | Westminster John Knox | Devotional | Presbyterian | |
Word Biblical Commentary (OT & NT) | WBC | Nelson | Academic | Evangelical |
Yale Judaica series (OT) | Yale University Press | Jewish | ||
Zondervan Exegetical Commentary (NT) | ZECNT | Zondervan | Pastoral | Evangelical |