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Introductory Material on the New Testament

Here are listed a few works on New Testament available in the ORU Library. To find more, do a subject search for Bible. New Testament in the library catalog.

Ebooks (Online) Commentaries

Print (In the Library) Commentaries

New Testament - Selected Commentaries

Here are listed selected commentaries on the New Testament. To find more, do a subject search in the library catalog for Bible. New Testament -- Commentaries.

Ebook (Online) Commentaries

Print (In the Library) Commentaries

Ebooks on the New Testament

Bible Commentary Series

Use the catalog to search the selected Bible commentary series listed below, which includes publishers, academic level, denominational affiliation, or other stated perspectives.

Abingdon New Testament Commentaries ANTC Abingdon Pastoral United Methodist
Abingdon Old Testament Commentaries AOTC Abingdon Pastoral United Methodist
Africa Bible Commentary Series Hippo Books
The Anchor Yale Bible (OT & NT) AB Doubleday/Yale Critical Various viewpoints
Ancient Christian Commentary on Scripture (OT & NT) ACCS InterVarsity Academic Historical
Ancient Christian Texts (OT & NT) InterVarsity Academic Historical
Apollos Old Testament Commentary AOTC InterVarsity Academic Evangelical
ArtScroll Tanach ArtScroll Academic Jewish
Augsburg Commentary on the New Testament Augsburg Academic Evangelical Lutheran
Baker Commentary (OT: Wisdom and Psalms) Baker Academic Evangelical
Baker Exegetical Commentary on the New Testament BECNT Baker Academic/Pastoral Evangelical
BHGNT (Baylor Handbook on the Greek New Testament) BHGNT Baylor University Press Academic Baptist
Baylor Handbook on the Hebrew Bible Baylor University Press Academic Baptist
Belief: A Theological Commentary on the Bible (OT & NT) Belief Westminster John Knox Presbyterian

Believers Church Bible Commentary (OT & NT)

BCBC Herald Press Pastoral Mennonite
Berit Olam (OT) Liturgical Press Academic Catholic
Bible Speaks Today (OT & NT) BST InterVarsity Devotional/Pastoral Evangelical
Black's New Testament Commentaries BNTC Black/Hendrickson Evangelical
Blackwell Bible Commentaries (OT & NT) Wiley/Blackwell Secular
Brazos Theological Commentary on the Bible (OT & NT) BTCB Baker Pastoral/Academic
Cambridge Bible Commentary (OT & NT) CBC Cambridge Academic Secular
Catholic Commentary on Sacred Scripture (NT) Baker Pastoral Catholic
Communicator's Commentary (OT & NT) ComC Word Books Pastoral Evangelical
The Complete Biblical Library (OT & NT)
Concordia Commentary (OT & NT) Concordia Pastoral/Academic Lutheran Church-Mo. Synod
Continental Commentaries (OT & NT) CC Fortress Academic Evangelical Lutheran
Cornerstone Biblical Commentary (OT & NT) CsBC Tyndale House Pastoral Evangelical
Daily Study Bible (OT & NT) DSB Westminster Press Devotional Presbyterian
Eerdmans Critical Commentary (OT & NT) ECC Eerdmans Academic Various viewpoints
Encountering Biblical Studies (OT & NT) Baker Evangelical
Epworth Commentaries EC Epworth Press
Exegetical Guide to the Greek New Testament EGGNT Pastoral/Academic Evangelical
Expositor's Bible Commentary (OT & NT) EBC Armstrong/Zondervan Pastoral/Academic Evangelical
Expositor's Bible Commentary (OT & NT) (new edition) Zondervan Pastoral Evangelical
Forms of the Old Testament Literature FOTL Eerdmans Various viewpoints
Gospel according to the Old Testament P&R Reformed
Hermeneia: A Critical and Historical Commentary (OT & NT) Hermeneia Fortress/Augsburg Technical Various viewpoints
Historical Commentary on the Old Testament. HCOT Peeters Academic
Holman Old Testament Commentary Broadman & Holman Pastoral Baptist
International Critical Commentary (OT & NT) ICC T & T Clark/Scribner Technical Various viewpoints
International Theological Commentary (OT) ITC Eerdmans Academic Various viewpoints
Interpretation: A Bible Commentary for Teaching & Preaching (OT & NT) INT Westminster John Knox Academic Presbyterian
opens new windowInterpreter's Concise Commentary (OT & NT) Abingdon Academic United Methodist
Interpreting Biblical Texts (OT & NT) Abingdon United Methodist
IVP New Testament Commentary IVPNTC InterVarsity Pastoral Evangelical
Jewish Apocryphal Literature Harper Jewish
JPS Torah Commentary JPSTC Jewish Publication Society Academic Jewish
Laymen's Bible Commentary John Knox Press
Life Application Bible (NT) Tyndale Pastoral Evangelical
New American Commentary (OT & NT) NAC Broadman & Holman Pastoral Baptist
New Beacon Bible Commentary NBBC Beacon Hill Press Pastoral Wesleyan
New Cambridge Bible Commentary (OT & NT) NCBC Cambridge University Press Academic/Pastoral Various viewpoints
New Century Bible Commentary (OT & NT) NCB Eerdmans Pastoral/Academic Evangelical
New Collegeville Bible Commentry NCBC Liturgical Press/Augsburg Pastoral Catholic
New Covenant Bible Commentary Series
New International Biblical Commentary (OT & NT) NIBCOT & NIBCNT Hendrickson/now Baker Academic Evangelical
New International Commentary (OT & NT) NICOT & NICNT Eerdmans Technical Evangelical
New International Greek Testament Commentary NIGTC Eerdmans Academic Evangelical
New Interpreters Bible (OT & NT) NIB Abingdon Academic United Methodist
New Testament for Everyone (N. T. Wright) Westminster John Knox Devotional/Pastoral Anglican
New Testament in Context NTinC
The New Testament library NTL Westminster John Knox Academic Presbyterian
New Testament Readings NTR Routledge
NIV Application Commentary (OT & NT) NIVAC Zondervan Pastoral Evangelical
Old Testament for Everyone (John Goldingay) Westminster John Knox Devotional Anglican
The Old Testament Library OTL Westminster John Knox Academic Presbyterian
Oxford Bible Commentary OxBC Oxford University Press Academic Non-denominational
Paideia (NT) Baker Pastoral/Academic Various viewpoints
Pentecostal Commentary Series (NT) Deo Publishing Academic Pentecostal
Pillar New Testament Commentary PNTC Eerdmans Academic Evangelical
Preaching the Word Crossway Pastoral Reformed
Reformation Commentary on Scripture (OT & NT) InterVarsity Academic Reformed
Sacra Pagina (NT) SP Liturgical Press Academic Catholic
Septuagint Commentary Series Brill Academic
Smyth & Helwys Bible Commentary SHBC Smyth & Helwys Pastoral Various viewpoints
Socio-Rhetorical Commentary (NT) SRC Eerdmans/IVP Academic Academic Arminian
Soncino Books of the Bible (OT) Soncino Press Academic Jewish
Spirit-Filled Life New Testament Commentary Nelson Academic Pentecostal/Charismatic
Story of God Bible Commentary Zondervan Pastoral Evangelical
Two Horizons New Testament Commentary THNTC Eerdmans Academic Evangelical
Two Horizons Old Testament Commentary THOTC Eerdmans Academic Evangelical
Tyndale New Testament Commentaries TNTC Eerdmans Pastoral Evangelical
Tyndale Old Testament Commentaries TOTC Eerdmans Pastoral Evangelical
Understanding the Bible Commentary series UBC Baker Books Pastoral Various viewpoints
UBS Handbook Series (OT & NT) UBS Handbooks United Bible Societies Academic
Wesleyan Bible Commentary (OT & NT) Eerdmans/Hendrickson Academic Wesleyan
Westminster Bible Companion (OT & NT) Westminster John Knox Devotional Presbyterian
Word Biblical Commentary (OT & NT) WBC Nelson Academic Evangelical
Yale Judaica series (OT) Yale University Press Jewish
Zondervan Exegetical Commentary (NT) ZECNT Zondervan Pastoral Evangelical