Pauline Epistles - Selected Commentaries
See below for selected commentaries on the Pauline epistles. To find more commentaries on these epistles, do a subject search in the library catalog for opens new windowBible. Epistles of Paul -- Commentaries, or browse opens new windowBS2650.To find commentaries on the pastoral epistles, do a subject search for opens new windowBible. Pastoral epistles -- Commentaries, or browse opens new windowBS2735.
- Navarre Bible: Saint Paul's Captivity Letters byCall Number: BS2650.3.N38 2005 ReferencePublication Date: 2005
- The Pauline Epistles byCall Number: EbookPublication Date: 2010The Oxford Bible Commentary
General Epistles - Selected Commentaries
Below are listed a few commentaries related to the general (also called the catholic) epistles available in the ORU Library. To find more, do subject search for opens new windowBible. Catholic epistles -- Commentaries in the library catalog, or browse opens new windowBS2777.
- Letters to the Church byCall Number: BS2775.55 .J63 2011 ReferencePublication Date: 2011
Ebooks on the Pauline Epistles
- Ebooks on the Pauline Epistles
More on the Pauline Epistles
For more on the Pauline epistles, do a subject search in the library catalog for opens new windowBible. Epistles of Paul. To find more works on the pastoral epistles, do a subject search for opens new windowBible. Pastoral epistles.
- New Creation in Paul's Letters and Thought byCall Number: EbookPublication Date: 2002Society for New Testament Studies monograph series
- Dictionary of Paul and His Letters byCall Number: EbookPublication Date: 1993IVP Bible Dictionary series
Print copy available in Reference collection: BS2650.2.D53 1993
More on the General Epistles
To find more on the General Epistles, do a subject search for opens new windowBible. Catholic epistles or a keyword search for opens new windowBible general epistles.
- Dictionary of the Later New Testament and Its Developments byCall Number: BS2625.5.D53 1997 ReferencePublication Date: 1997IVP Bible Dictionary series
- Early Christian Letters for Everyone byCall Number: BS2777.W75 2011Publication Date: 2011