Pauline Epistles - Selected Commentaries

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See below for selected commentaries on the Pauline epistles. To find more commentaries on these epistles, do a subject search in the library catalog for Bible. Epistles of Paul -- Commentaries, or browse BS2650.To find commentaries on the pastoral epistles, do a subject search for Bible. Pastoral epistles -- Commentaries, or browse BS2735.

General Epistles - Selected Commentaries

Below are listed a few commentaries related to the general (also called the catholic) epistles available in the ORU Library. To find more, do subject search for Bible. Catholic epistles -- Commentaries in the library catalog, or browse BS2777.

Ebooks on the Pauline Epistles

More on the Pauline Epistles

For more on the Pauline epistles, do a subject search in the library catalog for Bible. Epistles of Paul. To find more works on the pastoral epistles, do a subject search for Bible. Pastoral epistles.

More on the General Epistles

To find more on the General Epistles, do a subject search for Bible. Catholic epistles or a keyword search for Bible general epistles.