Most databases have tools that create citations. Try the EBSCO tools below to copy/paste/edit citations, as needed to match your assignment requirements. Always check the citation references for accuracy with the print style manual and your professor's requirements.
See: opens new windowCiting Sources

APA Style 7th Edition

American Psychological Association (APA) Manual format is used by the behavioral and social sciences, including business, education, nursing, psychology, and sociology. References (citations) generally contain author, year of publication, title and publication information. APA style documentation uses in-text parenthetical references with author date.

opens new windowAPA Style Central

opens new windowInstructional Aids and Handouts (APA Style, Official)


Digital Object Identifiers, or DOIs, are persistent links used in scientific and scholarly publishing to provide a permanent electronic address to avoid the problems of broken, outdated, or changed links. opens new windowThe DOI System provides a means for managing information in changing digital environments.

APA Style Websites by the American Psychological Association

The EBSCO Cite Tool

In any EBSCOhost database, such as Academic Search Complete or APA PsycInfo, click the " (quotation marks) link in the article record above the title of the article. Choose a format style then copy, paste, and edit the citation to match your course requirements.

EBSCO Citation tool

The EBSCO Folder is a personal information management tool to save articles, save searches, create citations lists, and more. Create a folder, then sign in to your folder when you search any EBSCO database. Note: Items added to the default folder are NOT saved; you must be signed in to your Folder.

For a single citation:
Access your EBSCO folder. Click a title to access the detailed article record. Click the Cite button. Choose a format style then copy, paste, and edit the citation to match your course requirements.