Search with Boolean Operators
A Boolean Operator is a word that communicates search functions. AND, OR, and NOT are the Boolean operators used in searching databases to combine terms and search more efficiently.
AND = Results contain BOTH terms.
OR = Results contain EITHER term.
NOT = Results have the first term(s), but not the term following NOT.
Search Strategies
Use the chart below to guide you in developing effective search expressions.
Evaluate Your Resources
Evaluate your source and information.
- Is the author and/or publisher credible?
- Is the source reliable?
- For a study, is the purpose of the information clearly identified?
- Is the information current?
- Is there bias in the information? Is the author biased?
- Is the work organized?
- Is the work indexed?
Sample Searches for "Popular Topics"
When doing research explore a variety of search expressions in multiple databases.
- Edit the search expression to match your topic.
- Set limits, such as peer reviewed and date restrictions.
- Use the Choose Databases link to add or change databases to search.
- Sign in to your personal EBSCO folder to save articles and view them later.
Search examples:
- "aerobic exercise" AND child* AND ( benefi* or effect* ) AND "purpose of the study"
DE "AEROBIC exercises" AND DE "CHILDREN" - DE "TESTOSTERONE" AND DE "EXERCISE" (DE=descriptor or subject heading)
(MH "Exercise+") AND (MH "Testosterone+") - sugar AND adult* AND ( effect or impact or negative ) AND ( anxiety or depression ) AND ( study or percent ) NOT diabetes
- short term missions and (social or cultural) AND youth
youth AND ( (sport or exercise) ) AND outreach programs - body hydration AND (benefit* or effect*)