Journal Finder+

Search Journal Finder+ with keywords or subjects such as Anatomy & Physiology, Sports & Leisure, and Sports Medicine.

Sample Journal Titles

  • American Journal of Sports Medicine - Original articles addressed to orthopaedic surgeons specializing in sports medicine, and to team physicians, athletic trainers, and physical therapists focusing on the causes and effects of injury or disease resulting from or affected by athletic injury.
  • European Journal of Applied Physiology (Full text delay 12 months; available in MEDLINE)
  • Journal of Applied Physiology (Full text delay 1 year)
  • Journal of Leisure Research - Presents original investigations that contribute new knowledge and understanding to the field of leisure studies, short notes and book reviews.
  • Journal of Sports Science and Medicine - An international refereed research publication covering all aspects of sport science and medicine.
  • Journal of Science and Medicine in Sport - Official journal of Sports Medicine Australia (SMA); an international refereed research publication covering all aspects of sport science and medicine.
  • Journal of Sports Sciences (Full text delay 18 months) - Publishes articles on various aspects of the sports sciences covering a number of disciplinary bases
  • Science & Sports - Updates on medical, scientific and applied technical research in the different fields of sports and physical activities
  • Sport Health - Covers issues in sports medicine and science, sports injury prevention and physical activity promotion
  • Sport Journal - Designed to further the knowledge of sports by presenting articles written by sport professionals.