
Most databases have tools that create citations in several formats, such as APA, MLA and Turabian. Try the tools listed below to copy/paste/edit citations, as needed to match your assignment requirements. Always check the citation references for accuracy with the print style manual and your professor's requirements.

See: opens new windowCiting Sources Library Guide for more citation resources and examples.
Use the Cited References tab to search an article title, then view publications where the article was referenced.

Citations in EBSCOhost

In an EBSCO database, such as opens new windowAcademic Search Complete, use the Cite link in the "Tools" menu on the right sidebar. Note: The "Tools" menu is only available on the item record; it is not on the results page.

EBSCO citations

Your EBSCOhost Folder and Citations

The EBSCO Folder is a personal information management tool to save articles, save searches, create citations lists, write notes, and more. Create a folder then sign in to your folder. Note: Items added to the default folder are NOT saved.
Tutorial:opens new window My EBSCOhost Folder (3:13 mins.)

For a SINGLE citation, click the article title to access the detailed article record. Click Cite in the right toolbar. Choose the recommended style from the available options, then copy, paste, and edit the citation to match the style requirements.

For MULTIPLE citations use the EBSCO folder:

  1. After you add articles to the folder, click Folder at the top of the page.
    In the folder:
  2. Mark checkboxes for items to be cited.
  3. Click the Print icon (in the right toolbar).
    In the Print Manager window:
  4. Uncheck HTML Full Text and Search History boxes, if showing and checked.
  5. Choose a Citation Format.
  6. Click Print (items are reformatted for printing). Cancel the print and copy/paste/edit the citations according to the required style and format.

Format Shortcuts for a Bibliography

Format shortcuts for bibliography

MLA In-Text Citations

MLA format for in-text citations follows the author-page method. The author's last name may be included with the page number(s) in parenthesis following the quote or paraphrase, or used in the sentence with the page number(s) following in parenthesis.

Smith noted that fake news... (27).
(Smith 27)

When page numbers are not fixed (the numbers are not the same in all formats) or not available, use a label identifying abbreviation for the number reference. Use a comma to separate the author from a reference that is not a page number.

(Smith, par. 6) paragraph 6
(Smith, pars. 6-7) paragraphs 6 and 7
(Smith, ch. 4) chapter 4

See (search the title in the catalog) :

  • MLA Handbook, 8th edition (pp. 36, 123-127) - Call # LB2369.G53 2016
  • The Little, Brown Handbook, 13th edition (pp. 638-640) - Call # LIB RESERVE.

APA Style Examples

See: opens new windowCiting Sources: APA

Citation Examples in Exemplary HLSS Sr. Papers

For citation examples, view the list of Works Cited in one of the opens new windowExemplary HLSS Sr. Papers on the Digital Showcase.

Sr. Paper Template & Page Formatting

Please note: Although the templates were created with correct placement and line spacing, check that your printed pages match your professor's sr. paper requirements. If your title is on two lines instead of one line, adjust the line spacing, accordingly.

Page Breaks & Numbering

When changing pagination style, uncheck "Link to previous" on the page that needs a new number style or section.

Go to the page to number.
On the page choose: Layout > Breaks > Next page.
Go to footer or header and choose numbering style (bottom, top, etc.). Uncheck Link to previous, if checked. Make sure to check Different First Page.
Repeat the steps on each page number section or style change.

opens new windowInsert Sections with Different Page Numbers (Word) [YouTube 4:58 mins.]
opens new windowHow To add different page number for different sections with PAGE BREAK 2017 [YouTube, 6:29 mins.]