Core Databases
- Physical Sciences Journal Collection (ScienceDirect) This link opens in a new windowIncludes publications on Analytical Chemistry, Chemistry (General), Electrochemistry, Inorganic Chemistry, Organic Chemistry, Physical and Theoretical Chemistry, and Spectroscopy.
opens new windowView ORU faculty articles.
• To request a ScienceDirect article from interlibrary loan, use the opens new windowILL form or email the citation information to
• To move a ScienceDirect article into your EBSCO folder, go to EagleSearch, which is an EBSCO interface, then key in and search for the article title. Sign in to your EBSCO folder and add the article. - PLOS - Public Library of Science This link opens in a new window
- opens new windowSCIRP (Scientific Research Publishing): Chemistry & Material Science (Open Access)
An academic publisher providing more than 200 open access, online, peer-reviewed journals. View opens new windowChemistry & Material Science journals.
Related Databases
- EagleSearch This link opens in a new window
- Academic Search Complete This link opens in a new window
- Directory of Open Access Journals (DOAJ) This link opens in a new window
- Google Scholar This link opens in a new window
- GPO-U.S.Government Publications This link opens in a new window
- GreenFILE This link opens in a new window
- HSDB: Hazardous Substances Data Bank(NIH, U.S. National Library of Medicine)- "Peer-reviewed toxicology data for over 5,000 hazardous chemicals."
- Nature(Some open access) - Original research articles, latest research articles,review articles, news of science in universities, industry & government, correspondence and opinion pieces.
- TOXNET Information Access(NIH, U.S, National Library of Medicine) - "As part of a broader NLM reorganization, most of NLM's toxicology information services have been integrated into other NLM products and services."
Dissertations & Theses
- ProQuest Dissertations & Theses Global This link opens in a new window
Full-text available for immediate free download and many available for purchase in print.
- In Advanced Search, key in su(chemistry) for a subject search on chemistry.
- Or, click Browse. Click C on the Browse by Subject tab. Scroll to chemistry subjects. (shown right) Click the + symbol to view chemistry subheadings.
Medical & Health Databases
- BioMed Central This link opens in a new window
- CINAHL Ultimate This link opens in a new window
- Consumer Health Complete This link opens in a new window
- Health & Life Sciences Journal Collection (ScienceDirect) This link opens in a new window
- Health Source: Consumer Edition This link opens in a new window
- Health Source: Nursing/Academic Edition This link opens in a new window
- MEDLINE with Full Text (EBSCOhost) This link opens in a new window
- Ovid Core Nursing Collection This link opens in a new window
- PubMed Central This link opens in a new window
- SAGE Premier This link opens in a new window
- PLOS MedicineOpen access, peer-reviewed research database.
- Science & Research(U.S. Food and Drug Administration)