Search for Journals, Trade Publications and Other Periodicals
- Journal Finder + This link opens in a new window
To see if a journal is available in the ORU Library, search Journal Finder+. Some titles may be available in multiple formats and/or multiple databases. The database(s) with full text will be listed under the title in the result list.. When a title is available "in-house" in paper/print, there will be a link to "Oral Roberts University Library Holdings." Follow the links to what you need.
- On the Advance Search page, choose a discipline (e.g., Chemistry, Health & Medicine) to narrow down the journal titles relevant to that area.
- View Results - The results page will display a list of hournal titles within your selected category.
- Refine by Subject - Use the Subject fileter to narro results further (e.g., biochemistry, organic chemistry).
- Limit to Peer-Reviewed Journals - Check the box for Peer-Reviewed to filter out journals that are not peer-reviewed.
Chemistry Journals in Databases
- MEDLINE with Full Text (EBSCOhost) This link opens in a new windowClick Publications in the top menu. Key in chemistry in the Browsing text box and mark By Subject & Description. Click Browse.
- CINAHL Ultimate This link opens in a new window
Browse and select journal titles in a database (shown below). Click a journal title then search your topic within the journal or browse dates/volumes to select a single issue.
Open Access Journals
- BioOneFull-text database of leading journals in the biological, ecological, and environmental sciences. Indexing and abstracts; no full text.
- Scientific Research Publishing (SCIRP)Chemistry & Materials Sciences Journals
• ACS Central Science (2015-present)
"... A multidisciplinary journal that aims to publish articles of exceptional quality and interest to the broad chemistry and scientific community. The journal addresses important advances in fundamental areas of chemistry, as well as applied and interdisciplinary research highlighting the seminal role of chemistry in a wide range of other scientific disciplines.... The review process is stringent and efficient. The journal publishes a diverse selection of reviews, interviews and commentary material.” ACS Central Science
- PLOS - Public Library of Science This link opens in a new window
Royal Society of Chemistry Journals & Reviews
opens new windowThe Royal Society of Chemistry's Journals
opens new windowChemical Society Reviews
RSC Open Access Journals:
- opens new windowChemical Science (2010-present) - "The flagship journal of the Royal Society of Chemistry."
- opens new windowRSC Advances (2011-present) - "An international journal to further the chemical sciences."