Search for Journals, Trade Publications, & Other Periodicals

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Sample Journal Titles

To access the selected journals listed below, search the titles in Journal Finder+.

Church History and Religious Culture (Full text delay 3 years) - "Primarily devoted to the history of Christianity. It contains articles in this field as well as in other specialised related areas."

Christian History - "Covers major persons, events, issues in the history of the Christian Church in an engaging, accurate and visual way."

Christian History: Studies in Christianity and Culture - "Feature essays exploring a wide variety of subjects and extensive book reviews on all aspects of church history published for members of the American Society of Church History."

Foundations An International Journal of Evangelical Theology - "Covers contemporary theological issues such as exegesis, biblical theology, church history and apologetics. Specializes in evangelical Christianity."

Journal of Religious History (Full text delay 1 year) - "Explores the place of religion in history. Reviews current work on the history of religions and their relationship with all aspects of human experience."