Library Catalog
- Catalog This link opens in a new window
Use broad keywords and subjects that identify your topic(s). Search a variety of fields. For example, try the following searches:
- eschatology and 21st century (keyword search)
- Hebert David (author search; use last name first without punctuation)
- eschatology (subject search)
To limit your results to reference books, change "View Entire Collection" to "Reference Collection."
Ebook titles are included in the library catalog along with links to the full-text ebook. To limit your results to ebooks, change "View Entire Collection" to "Ebooks." Click a book title to access the detailed record (shown below). Click the How do I Cite this? link (circled below) to get citation information in a variety of styles.
Always check with your professor and the required print style formatting and punctuation rules and edit citations accordingly.
Ebook Databases
- Ebook Central This link opens in a new window
To access or create a bookshelf, click Bookshelf or Sign In, then enter your network login. Provides apps (iPad, iPhone, iPod touch) and Download options.
Search examples:
- opens new windowChrisitanity and ethics (keywords)
- opens new windowChristianity and eschatology (keywords)
- opens new window"Chrisitan ethics" (key phrase) (Use quotes around words to search for an exact phrase.)
- opens new window"Practical theology" (key phrase)
- opens new window"Pastoral counseling" (key phrase)
- eBook Collection (EBSCOhost) This link opens in a new window
Save books in your EBSCO folder for later access and use.
Search examples:
- opens new window"Church History"
- opens new window"Church history" AND (Bible or Christian*) (Using quotations marks around terms searches them as a phrase.)
- opens new windowChurch history AND (Bible or Christian*) (Note: Without a boolean operator between terms or quotation marks around terms, the search will perform a proximity of 5. That is, results will have the terms within a 5-word word range in any order.)