Biblical Languages

  • For works on biblical Hebrew, do a subject search in the library catalog for d:"Hebrew language" and d:Bible.
  • For works on biblical Greek, search the library catalog for ((Bible OR biblical) AND (greek)) and (N.T. OR (new AND testament) OR Septuagint*).
  • For works related to Aramaic, do a subject search for d:Aramaic and d: Bible.
  • For works related to Syriac, do a subject search for (d:Bible and d:Syriac) or Peshitta

Note: d is used for a subject search.

Selected Web Sites Related to Biblical Studies

Ancient Versions of the Bible

  • For works related to the Latin Vulgate, search the library catalog for the keyword Vulgate.
  • For works related to the Septuagint (LXX), search the catalog for the keyword Septuagint.
    • online LXX linked to parsing
    • A Concordance to the Septuagint and the Other Greek Versions of the Old Testament (Including the Apocryphal Books)

  • For works related to the Peshitta (the Syriac Bible), search the catalog for the keyword Peshitta.
  • For works related to Aramaic version of the Old Testament, search the catalog for (Targum*OR Aramaic) AND (Bible Old Testament)

Online Bibles

Open Access Reference Books Related to the Bible