Biblical Languages
- Catalog This link opens in a new window
- For works on biblical Hebrew, do a subject search in the library catalog for d:"Hebrew language" and d:Bible.
- For works on biblical Greek, search the library catalog for ((Bible OR biblical) AND (greek)) and (N.T. OR (new AND testament) OR Septuagint*).
- For works related to Aramaic, do a subject search for d:Aramaic and d: Bible.
- For works related to Syriac, do a subject search for (d:Bible and d:Syriac) or Peshitta
Note: d is used for a subject search.
Selected Web Sites Related to Biblical Studies
- Biblical Web site that makes high quality biblical scholarship accessible
- BIBLindexIndex of biblical quotations and allusions in early Christian literature,
- Theological Journals Search This link opens in a new window
- Tools and links for Blblical studiescompiled by Rob Bradshaw
Ancient Versions of the Bible
- Catalog This link opens in a new window
- For works related to the Latin Vulgate, search the library catalog for the keyword Vulgate.
- For works related to the Septuagint (LXX), search the catalog for the keyword Septuagint.
- online LXX linked to parsing
A Concordance to the Septuagint and the Other Greek Versions of the Old Testament (Including the Apocryphal Books)
- For works related to the Peshitta (the Syriac Bible), search the catalog for the keyword Peshitta.
- For works related to Aramaic version of the Old Testament, search the catalog for (Targum*OR Aramaic) AND (Bible Old Testament)
Online Bibles
- Bible GatewayProvides access to various versions of the Bible in multiple languages.
- The Hypertext BibleInternet Sacred Text Archive
- A Synoptic Gospels PrimerSource Analysis of Matthew, Mark & Luke
Open Access Reference Books Related to the Bible
- Dictionary of Bible ThemesEdited by Martin H. Manser, 2009. Based on the NIV Thematic Reference Bible. Open access.
- The International Standard Bible EncyclopediaOpen access at
- The IVP New Testament Commentary SeriesOpen access at
Osborne, Grant R., series ed. - Word Pictures of the New TestamentOpen access at
Use the Commentary Navigator in the right menu. - Word Studies in the New Testamentby Marvin R. Vincent
Open access at
Also available in print: BS2385.V5 1991 V.1-4 Reference