Biblical Books in Canonical Order
Old Testament
- opens new windowGenesis
- opens new windowExodus
- opens new windowLeviticus
- opens new windowNumbers
- opens new windowDeuteronomy
- opens new windowJoshua
- opens new windowJudges
- opens new windowRuth
- opens new window1 & 2 Samuel
- opens new window1 & 2 Kings
- opens new window1 & 2 Chronicles
- opens new windowEzra
- opens new windowNehemiah
- opens new windowEsther
- opens new windowJob
- opens new windowPsalms
- opens new windowProverbs
- opens new windowEcclesiastes
- opens new windowSong of Solomon
- opens new windowIsaiah
- opens new windowJeremiah
- opens new windowLamentations
- opens new windowEzekiel
- opens new windowDaniel
- opens new windowHosea
- opens new windowJoel
- opens new windowAmos
- opens new windowObadiah
- opens new windowJonah
- opens new windowMicah
- opens new windowNahum
- opens new windowHabukkuk
- opens new windowZephaniah
- opens new windowHaggai
- opens new windowZechariah
- opens new windowMalachi
New Testament
- opens new windowMatthew
- opens new windowMark
- opens new windowLuke
- opens new windowJohn
- opens new windowActs
- opens new windowRomans
- opens new window1 & 2 Corinthians
- opens new windowGalatians
- opens new windowEphesians
- opens new windowPhilippians
- opens new windowColossians
- opens new window1 & 2 Thessalonians
- opens new window1 & 2 Timothy
- opens new windowTitus
- opens new windowPhilemon
- opens new windowHebrews
- opens new windowJames
- opens new window1 & 2 Peter
- opens new window1, 2, 3 John
- opens new windowJude
- opens new windowRevelation
Open Access Bible Commentaries ~ Quick Search
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One way to focus a search is to add a commentator's name. To find what Robertson says about the Greek word charis, for example, key in the words: charis Robertson. Hebrew and Greek words may be searched in Hebrew or Greek, e.g.עַלְמָה, πνεῦμα, or by transliteration, e.g. alma, pneuma.
Caveat: Though professors typically prefer not to see citations to open access commentaries in bibliographies of research papers if they are dated or otherwise do not meet expected scholarly norms, these resources are useful for quick reference, provided they are used circumspectly.
To access the Open Access Bible Commentaries Quick Search web page, go to opens new window
Resources for Evaluating Bible Commentaries
Opinions as to the relative value of the various Bible commentaries vary widely among biblical scholars. Students may wish to consult with their own professors as to their particular recommendations. The following works offer further guidance on the selection of commentaries.
Essential Bible Study Tools for Ministry by
Call Number: BS511.2.B38 2014 ReferencePublication Date: 2014Revision of author's: An annotated guide to biblical resources for ministry.A Guide to Biblical Commentaries and Reference Works by
Call Number: BS482.E92 2016 ReferencePublication Date: 2016Commentary and Reference Survey by
Call Number: BS511.3.G59 2007 ReferencePublication Date: 2007New Testament Commentary Survey by
Call Number: BS2341.2.C33 2007 ReferencePublication Date: 20076th ed.Old Testament Commentary Survey by
Call Number: EbookPublication Date: 20135th ed.- Online CommentariesCall Number: Google DocsA list of online commentaries in the public domain compiled by Tyndale House.
- Recommended Old and New Testament CommentariesPrinceton Theological seminary
-"Reviews and ratings of Biblical, theological, and practical Christian works"
- Commentary on CommentariesLectionary Studies web site
See also: opens new windowSelect English Bible Commentaries