Bible Study Websites
For the new Bible student, some basic resources are helpful, such as a Concordance or a Bible dictionary. The home page of this guide has some suggestions for scholarly sources. But if you need a good concordance or other source for doing a word study, here are some suggestions. Most of these are older resources that are available online because they are in the public domain.
- opens new windowBible Verse Search for use when you need to find verses in the Bible.
- opens new windowBible Concordances that are useful for looking up words include Strongs, Topical Concordance, Thompson Chain Reference. These have some definitions and may have Greek words.
- opens new windowOnline Bible Dictionaries to use for finding definitions. Note, the ones listed on the home page of this guide are newer and more academic.
- opens new windowInterlinear Bibles are used for finding what Greek or Hebrew word is used for the English translation. From this, you can use a lexicon to find authoritative definitions, if you know Greek letters.
- An opens new windowOnline Thayer's Lexicon is used for looking up Greek words. Again, it is preferable to use the lexicon on the home page of this guide instead.
- opens new windowYoung's Analytical Concordance is an older concordance that gives definitions for Greek words. Available through
The biggest problem with using these sources is they are hard to cite. So use Library sources as much as you can. These are provided because they can be good places to start while you learn to use the Library sources.
For example, if you are doing a study on the word "Power" in the Bible, you can use the first search listed above to find the verse. Then you can use a bible dictionary to get a definition. Next, use an Interlinear to find out what Greek word is used. Then use a lexicon to look up the word for a Greek definition.