Commentaries on Books of the Bible
The best way to study any passage of the Bible is to learn about the passage from biblical commentaries. ORU has hundreds of commentaries for the various books of the Bible. A good number of them are in ebook form that you can access as a distance student. Individual book commentaries are often part of larger commentary series, each with its own unique approach, but each of which is appropriate for you academic studies. Among the emphases a commentary might have are the following:
- Some commentaries are critical or exegetical commentaries usually focused on the text itself, its author, and the various critical issues from the biblical languages to the background culture.
- Some are more pastoral, preaching (expositor's) or application commentaries that focus on the applicational value for preaching and teaching.
- Most are a balance of both and are good general commentaries for academic research.
- Some are contextual, viewing biblical interpretation through a contextual lens such as theological communities, global or ethnic studies, or a specialty focus such as women's studies.
- For more information on the various series, see this list opens new windowBible Commentary Series
Use the list to select a commentary by book or by a particular part of the Bible. The best way to find a commentary is to search from the "Books, Ebooks, and Media" search box on the home page. Just type the name of the book and commentary. For example "Ephesians and Commentary." Choose one and find the section that deals with your passage. You can limit your results to ebooks by changing the dropdown from View Entire Collection to Ebooks, then click on Search on the results page.
Biblical Books in Canonical Order
Old Testament
- opens new windowGenesis
- opens new windowExodus
- opens new windowLeviticus
- opens new windowNumbers
- opens new windowDeuteronomy
- opens new windowJoshua
- opens new windowJudges
- opens new windowRuth
- opens new window1 & 2 Samuel
- opens new window1 & 2 Kings
- opens new window1 & 2 Chronicles
- opens new windowEzra
- opens new windowNehemiah
- opens new windowEsther
- opens new windowJob
- opens new windowPsalms
- opens new windowProverbs
- opens new windowEcclesiastes
- opens new windowSong of Solomon
- opens new windowIsaiah
- opens new windowJeremiah
- opens new windowLamentations
- opens new windowEzekiel
- opens new windowDaniel
- opens new windowHosea
- opens new windowJoel
- opens new windowAmos
- opens new windowObadiah
- opens new windowJonah
- opens new windowMicah
- opens new windowNahum
- opens new windowHabukkuk
- opens new windowZephaniah
- opens new windowHaggai
- opens new windowZechariah
- opens new windowMalachi
New Testament
- opens new windowMatthew
- opens new windowMark
- opens new windowLuke
- opens new windowJohn
- opens new windowActs
- opens new windowRomans
- opens new window1 & 2 Corinthians
- opens new windowGalatians
- opens new windowEphesians
- opens new windowPhilippians
- opens new windowColossians
- opens new window1 & 2 Thessalonians
- opens new window1 & 2 Timothy
- opens new windowTitus
- opens new windowPhilemon
- opens new windowHebrews
- opens new windowJames
- opens new window1 & 2 Peter
- opens new window1, 2, 3 John
- opens new windowJude
- opens new windowRevelation