Literary Reference Center - Biographies

Books & Ebooks - Biographical

opens new windowLibrary Catalog
The library catalog includes print books and ebooks, with links to the full text.
Use the author's name for keyword and subject searches. Search any name variant spellings or abbreviations.

opens new windowEbook Central (ProQuest database)
In Advanced Search, select Ebook Central Subject from the drop menu and search "biography" then add the author's name in the Keyword & Full Text field. Try a search with the author's name as the subject.

opens new windoweBook Collection (EBSCOhost database)
Try a basic search for the author's name.

For more information, click the Books & ebooks tab above.

How to Find Biographical Articles in Databases

Use both multidisciplinary and subject databases for in-depth information and articles. In the database, choose the indexes or subject fields to limit to people and/or biographies.