Using MLA Style

MLA Style Center (Modern Language Association)

To organize key elements in your citation, use the opens new windowMLA Interactive Practice Template from MLA Handbook (8th ed.), PDF, by the Modern Language Association (,

- opens new windowUsing MLA Format
- opens new windowWorks Cited: A Quick Guide
- opens new windowFAQs, MLA Style Center

MLA Handbook

The current MLA Handbook is available on request at the Library Services Desk for in-library use.

General Information (MLA 9th ed.)

For articles in databases, include the permalink or DOI (opens new windowDigital Object Identifier). To get a permalink in EBSCOhost, click "Permalink" in the right sidebar under "Tools." Accessed date is not required, but may be provided if you wish. Check with your professor's guidelines.

  For permalinks, do not include https:// at the beginning of the URL.

  For DOIs, include https:// at the beginning of the DOI.  (i.e.,

✓  For articles in EBSCOhost, if the work is contained in its entirety (not just the abstract or record), use EBSCOhost as the container. (Note: Databases within the EBSCOhost platform, such as Academic Search Complete or ERIC, are considered "filters," not the container.)