Printing Made Easy

by Elizabeth Willsea on 2025-02-03T15:44:24-06:00 | 0 Comments

Imagine this, a morning when you sleep through your alarm and class is in ten minutes and you didn’t print your essay last night because you were studying off campus. You burst out of bed, stressed because you need to print and go. Well, you’re in luck. You can print and go.

The library has installed a new print feature called Princh. It is “cloud-based printing” which allows you to print from your phone or laptop. All you have to do is upload your print job to the cloud and print when you get to the connected print station.

Two of the best features of Princh:

  • You don’t need to create an account to print.
  • You can pay any way you want.

All it takes is 6 easy steps.

Now, you can get your print projects right away without worrying about being late to where you need to go.

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