New Digitized Pentecostal Periodicals

by Daniel Isgrigg, Ph.D. on 2019-06-17T08:58:00-05:00 | 0 Comments

Included in the mission of the Holy Spirit Research Center is the mandate to provide open-access to materials in order to serve the global Spirit-empowered movement. One of the primary ways we do that is through our online institutional repository, The Digital Showcase.  This Spring, we have been able to digitize and publish a number of new titles on our Digitized Periodicals Collection.  This collection already includes issues of the Chilean Pentecostal periodicals, The Texas Herald, and the Apostolic Faith (Baxter Springs, KS).  

New collections of the following have been added this Spring as part of our digitization initiative. Some have only a few issues; others have more. But we are delighted to add the following titles to the collective work of Pentecostal archives and libraries:

The Good Report (Los Angeles, CA) - The Good Report is the monthly Pentecostal paper from Frank Ewart and R.E. McAlister of Los Angeles, CA.  The paper's motto declares, "A Whole Gospel, for a Whole Man, and to the Whole World. No Law but Love, no creed but Christ Jesus our Savior, Keeper, Healer, Baptizer, Glorious Lord and Coming King. Everything in Jesus and Jesus Everything." Contributors to the paper include later Henry Morse, G.T. Haywood, Harvey McAlister and D.W. Kerr. This paper is significant because it documents a period of reconciliation between the "finished work" and holiness groups following the confrontation at Azusa between William Seymour and William H. Durham. Issues include November 1914 and April 1914

The Faithful Standard (New York, NY)The Faithful Standard was published by A.J. Tomlinson as the General Overseer of the Church of God (Cleveland, TN). These extremely rare issues document the time following his impeachment from the Church of God and founded what would become the Church of God of Prophecy. This collection contains the following issues: Sept 1923-Nov 1924; Jan 1924

The Sword and Shield - The Sword and Shield is a paper of the Bethel Foursquare Gospel Church in Fort Worth, Texas. The paper was edited by W.W. Bradley and Evangelist Roxie Hughes Alford. 

The Word and WorkThe Word and Work was founded in 1879 by Samuel G. Otis and Nelson J. Magoon. The paper became Pentecostal following Otis' personal experience of Pentecost. During the 1920s, it was edited for a short time by longtime Assemblies of God editor Stanley Frodsham. The paper featured AG leaders A.H. Argue, Alice Reynolds Flower, and Donald Gee as contributing editors. In the 1930's, Fred T. Corum became the editor. Corum was the nephew of Rachel Sizelove who was a key leader at Azusa from the beginning. Accounts on the history of Azusa Street Mission and pictures are on the cover of March 1935 and Jan 1936.

The Preachers HelperThe Preachers Helper is a magazine created by Oral Roberts for pastors in the Pentecostal Holiness Church. He published the paper while serving as pastor of the PH Church in Shawnee, Oklahoma. The magazine had only one issue. This publication was the first of Oral Roberts' many publications that he edited in his ministry.





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