Why Read Background Information?
Reading background information helps fill in knowledge gaps. Virtually everyone, even experts, can benefit from reading authoritative summaries of the historic background, current developments, major players, and primary issues of a chosen topic. These summaries sometimes include basic bibliographies that help to jump start research projects.
Major sources of authoritative summaries are subject dictionaries and encyclopedias. Other background information may be obtained from biographical and statistical sources and other reference works such as handbooks and directories.
Biographical Information
Search one or more databases for biographical information about a particular person. See especially:
Or, try one of these selected biographical ebooks:
Biographical Dictionary of Christian Theologians by
Call Number: EbookISBN: 9780313296499Publication Date: 2000Biographical Dictionary of Psychology by
Call Number: EbookISBN: 9780415285612Publication Date: 2002Dictionary of Theologians To 1308 by
Call Number: EbookISBN: 9780227679708Publication Date: 2010Key Theological Thinkers by
Call Number: EbookISBN: 9781409437635Publication Date: 2013The Student's Companion to the Theologians by
Call Number: EbookISBN: 9781118496442Publication Date: 2013Twentieth-Century Theologians by
Call Number: EbookISBN: 9781845119560Publication Date: 2010The Westminster Dictionary of Theologians by
Call Number: EbookISBN: 9780664229894Publication Date: 2006Who's Who in Theology: From the First Century to the Present by
Call Number: BR95 .B65 1991 ReferenceISBN: 0824511506Publication Date: 1991
- Catalog This link opens in a new window
Try the following types of searches in the library catalog to find biographies:
- Personal names as subjects or keywords
- Lewis, C. S.
- Kuhlman, Kathryn
- Classes of people as subjects or keywords
- Bible scholars -- Biography
- Clergy -- Biography
- Evangelists -- Biography
- Missionaries-- Biography
- Theologians -- Biography
- Other keyword searches
- Religio* biography
- piritual biography
- Christian* biography
- Evangelical* biography
- Pentecostal* biography
Handbooks & Directories
- Catalog This link opens in a new window
To find a denominational or church-related directory or handbook, do a search for:
(denomination* OR sects) AND (handbook * OR director*)
Dictionaries & Encyclopedias
- Credo Reference This link opens in a new window
- Gale eBooks This link opens in a new window
- Catalog This link opens in a new window
Search the library catalog for subject dictionaries and encyclopedias. Here are some sample searches to try:
- (Bible OR biblical) AND (dictionar* or encycloped*)
- theolog* AND (dictionar* OR encycloped*)
- (counsel* OR psycholog* OR care OR ministry OR "church work with") AND (dictionar* OR encycloped* )
- (Pentecostal* OR charisma* OR renewal) AND (dictionar* OR encycloped*)
- (church) and (histor* OR fathers OR patrist*) and (encycloped* OR dictionar*)
Bible Commentaries
To identify the more scholarly Bible commentaries, use the Bible commentaries series opens new windowchart in the opens new windowBible Commentaries Plus guide.
See also David Bauer's opens new windowEssential Bible Study Tools for Ministry, especially the "Highly Recommended" sections of his selected lists of commentaries for each book of the Bible. Ask for this at the Library Services Desk.