About Using Other Library Catalogs
Use the resources below to find books and other materials beyond the ORU library. When the item you need is not available at ORU, request it through the library's opens new window Interlibrary Loan service.
- WorldCat.org This link opens in a new window
A library catalog with more than 1.2 billion records for books and other materials in OCLC member libraries, worldwide. Books, websites, films and slides, musical scores, and more. Records represent 400 languages and show libraries that have the item. Records may also include an abstract and user-contributed reviews. If the book you need is not available at ORU, use the WorldCat "Request Item" link to make an interlibrary loan request.
See opens new windowWhat is WorldCat?
In the book record:
- Use Preview this item, if available, to link to Google Books.com previews.
- Use your Zip code to locate the closest library that has the book.
- Use the Cite/Export icon or link to generate and copy or export a citation in APA, Chicago, Harvard, MLA and Turabian styles. See: opens new windowWorldCat.org Citations Tool: A how-to video (YouTube, 1:46)
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WorldCat (FirstSearch)
- WorldCat (FirstSearch) This link opens in a new window
- Limit your results to materials in a library or group of libraries in a specified city/state.
-Use opens new windowFind codes to get to code for a library, then key the code(s) in the Library Code text box (shown circled below).
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Google Books
Includes some book previews and complete books. Connects to books with the opens new window Library Project and Partner Program. If the book is out of copyright, or the publisher has given permission, Google Books provides a preview of the book. If the book is in public domain, you can freely download a PDF copy. In a book record, use "Find in Library" to link to the item record in WorldCat.org. See opens new windowHow to Use Google Books.
Search, click a title, and then under "Get this book in print," choose "Find in a library,"which links to the WorldCat record.