About Special Collections
The ORU Library has several special collections that are shelved, or stored, in areas outside of the main library area. For example, in addition to the opens new windowHoly Spirit Resource Center, there are three special theology collections are stored at the Annex at CityPlex: Santos, Lasor and JST collections. (For help or access, inquire at the Library Services Desk.)
Once you have the call number you will need to find the book on the library shelves. Remember to note which floor the items is on and the location code, which may identify a special collection.
Library Code | Special Library Collection Name and Location |
A special health, leisure and sport science collection of non-circulating print journals, many of which are not available full text online. |
Periodicals and Microform (magazines, etc.). Current print periodicals are shelved on the last row of shelves on the 2nd floor. Inquire at the Library Services Desk if you need assistance. |
Reference Collection, 1st floor. Reference books cannot be checked; however, some titles may have a duplicate in the main collection. Search the title you need in the library catalog to see if the book is located elsewhere in the library and available for checkout. |
Reserve |
opens new windowReserve Materials, located at the Library Services Desk, 1st floor |
William Sanford LaSor Collection, Annex. Ordained as a Presbyterian minister and serving as a military chaplain, LaSor also completed two Ph.D.’s – one in Old Testament studies, the other in New Testament. Author (some jointly) of twenty-six books, LaSor is acknowledged as a leading Old Testament evangelical scholar of the last quarter of the twentieth century. He taught for many years at Fuller Theological Seminary. His appreciation of ORU’s desire to foster irenic scholarship in Judaic-Christian studies facilitated purchase of this personal study library from his estate by the School of Theology & Missions. |
Elmar Camillo Dos Santos Collection, Annex. Elmar dos Santos was a distinguished Christian biblical scholar with special interest in both Judaica (including Septuagint studies) and the Synoptic Gospels. His library expresses these interests, including rare and specialized Judaic sources. Dos Santos received his doctoral training in Jerusalem, where he lived for twenty-three years, during which time he also taught in several venues. He became acquainted with then-student and now-Professor Brad Young during his studies. Together they worked with the late Dr. Robert Lindsey, whose hypothesis of Lukan priority among the Synoptic Gospels continues to be evaluated and extended through scholars at ORU and in academic societies such as the Society for Biblical Literature. Portions of Santos support such scholarship. |
Jewish Theological Seminary Collection, Annex. Through Dr. Young’s acquaintance with scholars and librarians at the Jewish Theological Seminary in New York, the University was able to purchase the holdings that constitute this special, secure and non-circulating collection. Among its many volumes that are found infrequently to rarely in North American libraries is the Monatschrift für die Geschichte und Wissenschaft des Judentums. |
Dr. Howard Ervin Collection, opens new windowHoly Spirit Resource Center, J.D. McKean Library, 3rd floor. |
Digital Showcase
The opens new windowDigital Showcase is ORU's Institutional Repository and includes a collection of scholarly, creative, and historical works from ORU.