Search the Library Catalog

opens new window Library Catalog
Use the library catalog to find books and ebook titles, which link to the full text ebooks.

Subject searching
Try a opens new window Library catalog subject search for "drama," "theater" or other related subject, and then drill down to your area of interest. If the book you find is an ebook, click "View content of ...E-Book" in the record to go to the full text. For more precise searching, try aopens new window Library catalog Advanced Search and combine a subject with a relevant keyword. For example, Subject: English theater and Keyword: women.

Drama & Theatre Call Numbers

Drama and Theatre Call Numbers

Use call numbers to browse book sections of the reference collection or to search the library catalog.

For drama and theatre call numbers, see the opens new window Library of Congress Classification Outline: Class P - Language and Literature (PDF) and choose Subclass PN, or use the partial list below.

Ebook Central (ProQuest Database)

Use your personal Ebook Central "bookshelf" to annotate and save ebooks. To access or create a bookshelf, click Bookshelf or Sign In in the top menu bar, then enter your network login.

Sample titles:

eBook Collection (EBSCOhost Database)