
Most databases have tools that create citations in several formats, such as APA, MLA and Turabian. Try the tools listed below to copy/paste/edit citations, as needed to match your assignment requirements. Always check the citation references for accuracy with the print style manual and your professor's requirements. See:

The EBSCO Cite Tool

In any EBSCOhost database, such as Academic Search Complete or APA PsycInfo, click the " (quotation marks) link in the article record above the title of the article. Choose a format style then copy, paste, and edit the citation to match your course requirements.

EBSCO Citation tool

General Information on MLA 9th Edition & Citing Generative AI (ChatGPT)

For articles in databases, when a DOI (opens new windowDigital Object Identifier) is not available, use the permalink, if available. A permalink is a URL that is static, persistent, or permanent. To get a permalink in EBSCOhost, click "Permalink" in the right sidebar under "Tools."

In MLA, the accessed date is not required, but may be provided if you wish. Check with your professor's guidelines.

  • For an online work, use a DOI, permalink, or URL.
  • For an online article or website, adding the access date in a citation is optional but recommended if the content is likely to change over time or if there is no publication date provided. If the website content is stable and the publication date is available, you can choose to omit the access date.
  • Precede a DOI with http:// or https://. (i.e., https://doi.org/10.1111/jch.12223.) (MLA Handbook, 9th ed., p. 194 [5.93])
  • For a URL https:// or http:// at the beginning may be omitted. (MLA Handbook, 9th ed., p. 195 [5.95])
  • For a web source, copy the URL from the browser. The http:// or https:// may be omitted. (MLA Handbook, 9th ed., p. 195 [5.95])
  • For articles in EBSCOhost, if the work is available in full text (not just the article abstract or record), use EBSCOhost as the container. (Note: Databases within the EBSCOhost platform, such as Academic Search Complete or ERIC, are considered "filters," not the container.) (MLA Handbook, 9th ed., pp. 134-140 [5.31-35], for notes on website containers.)

opens new windowHow do I cite generative AI [ChatGPT] in MLA style? (Note: Always follow your professor's instructions on the scope of using AI in your course.)

Basic MLA Examples

Example MLA Citations

MLA Style Handbook

The library holds several copies of the current edition of the official MLA Handbook: