
Search for articles and other resources, such as business reports, in non-profit journals and magazines.

Use the databases below to locate demographics and other information on companies and non-profits. To refine the results lists above, in the database use Modify Search and add terms. Or select limiters listed in the left sidebar.

Sample article: David Page. (n.d.). opens new windowNonprofit group Clarehouse provides a home for end-of-life care. Journal Record, The (Oklahoma City, OK).

Search Tips & Examples

Search databases with key terms. Use quotation marks to search a phrase, such as the name of a charitable entity. Search in the default, subject and/or text fields. Set date limits. Sort the result list by Date Newest, Source, or Relevance.

- opens new window"American Airlines" AND statistics (U.S. Major Dailies database)
- "American Airlines" AND culture (Business Source)
- "American Airlines" AND community (Academic Search Complete, Business Source, Regional Business Plus, Small Business Source)
- "American Airlines" AND (goals OR purpose) (Academic Search Complete, Business Source, Regional Business Plus, Small Business Source)
- "Cherokee Nation" AND community health (Business Source Complete database)

Books & Ebooks:

In the opens new windowlibrary catalog, search a subject heading or keywords.

quick search box

Subject headings to search:

Nonprofit organizations
Nonprofit organizations -- Case studies
Nonprofit organizations -- Employees
Nonprofit organizations -- Management
Nonprofit organizations -- United States


opens new windowCause IQ Tulsa - An tool for research of nonprofit companies. Includes description, programs, funding, personnel, and more.

Examples: opens new windowFlourish Homes, opens new windowClarehouse, opens new windowTulsa Hospices

opens new windowCharity Watch - The American Institute of Philanthropy evaluates the efficiency, accountability and governance of about 400 US charities.

opens new windowGuideStar - Create a free account to view organization programs, results, goals and strategies, financials, organizational demographics, and more.

Example: opens new windowGuideStar: Good Samaritan Health Services, Inc. Tulsa

opens new windowNational Center for Charitable Statistics - Portal for nonprofit practitioners, researchers, and policymakers to download and explore data on the nonprofit sector.

opens new windowNonprofit Economic Data Project - Information on the dynamics of the nonprofit sector by analyzing diverse datasets on nonprofit organizations, including data on nonprofit Finances, employment and wages, and volunteering.

opens new windowStatista: American Airlines