Search Suggestion:
your concept(s) and demographic and
Police Department
opens new windowTulsa Police Department
- SANE Program (Sexual Assault Nurse Examiners) - opens new windowTulsa Forensic Nursing Services.
Use EagleSearch and the Web to find articles.
Examples: opens new windowTulsa AND sexual assault nurse examiners (SANE) [EagleSearch]
opens new windowNIBRS 2019 (National Incident-Based Reporting System, Department of Justice, FBI) - Lists incidents and number of offenses. Current available data is for 2019. On the map, click the state of Oklahoma, then click Tulsa on the map. Click one of the colored "law enforcement agency identifiers" on the map to view the assault type and number.
U.S. Department of Justice, Office of Justice:
- opens new windowSexual Assault Statistics
- opens new windowCriminal Victimization, 2020
- opens new windowCriminal Victimization, 2021
CDC (Centers for Disease Control and Prevention):
- opens new windowInjury Prevention & Controll: WISQARS (Web-based Injury Statistics Query and Reporting System - Includes non-fatal injury reports that can be filtered by causes, sex, year of report, and more.
- opens new windowViolence Prevention - Includes general statistics and/or information on Firearm Violence, Sexual Violence, Youth Violence, and more.
- Statistical Abstract of the United States This link opens in a new windowUse a keyword search (e.g. gun violence or sexual assault). View the statistics within the available tables
- CQ Researcher This link opens in a new windowSearch a broad topic (e.g., gun violence, sexual assault). Choose a report. Try the Maps/Graphs link in the left menu.
Undocumented Individuals & Health Care
Try a variety of web searches
Result Examples:
- Cabral, J., & Cuevas, A. G. (2020). Health Inequities Among Latinos/Hispanics: Documentation Status as a Determinant of Health. Journal of racial and ethnic health disparities, 7(5), 874–879. opens new window
- Try browsing the journal to find other articles: opens new windowJournal of Racial and Ethnic Health Disparities
- opens new windowFact Sheet: Immigrants in Oklahoma (American Immigration Council)
- opens new windowFact Sheet: Undocumented Immigrants and Federal Health Care Benefits
- opens new windowPew Research: U.S. unauthorized immigrant population estimates by state, 2016
- opens new windowProfile of the Unauthorized Population: Oklahoma
Publications & Web sites
opens new (U.S. Census Bureau)
Population, housing, industry, economic, and geographic data.-
opens new windowOkmulgee City, Oklahoma (
- opens new windowTulsa City ( - Data available for Tulsa county, South Tulsa, North Tulsa and city urban and rural.
- opens new windowCDC (Centers for Disease Control and Prevention) - Try a search for "fact sheets" and your keyword(s).
opens new windowData and Statistics search on
opens new windowFederal Bureau of Prisons (BOP)
opens new windowStatistics: Inmate Gender - Click Population Statistics > Scroll to Generate Inmate Population Reports and select Region (i.e., "south Central Region," then Oklahoma for "State") > click Generate Report.
See Also: opens new windowPrison Policy Initiative: Oklahoma - Provides women's and men's incarceration rates and total populations, incarceration rates by race/ethnicity, racial and ethnic disparities, and more
Article - opens new window"Who's helping the 1.9 million women released from prisons and jails each year?
opens new windowGlobal Health Risks: Mortality and Burden of Disease Attributable to Selected Major Risks, 2009 (World Health Organization) PDF, 70 pp.
opens new windowHealth & Nutrition: The 2024 Statistical Abstract (Statistical Abstract, U.S. Census Bureau)
Statistics on health expenditures and insurance coverage, medical personnel, hospitals, nursing homes and other care facilities, injuries, diseases, disability status, nutritional intake of the population, and food consumption.
- Table 142: National Health Expenditure Projections By Source Of Funds And Type Of Expenditure: 2018 To 2027
- Table 185: Health Care Sources Used Most Often—Percent Distribution Of Persons Age 18 And Over By Selected Characteristics: 2018 [By Sex, Age, Race, Education, Income, And Health Insurance Coverage]
- Table 184: Community Health Centers, Patients, And Medical Personnel: 2018 [By Sex, Race, Age, Insurance Source, And Health Occupations] -
opens new windowU.S. Census Bureau (U.S. Dept. of Commerce)
opens new windowAmerican Community Survey (U.S. Dept. of Commerce) - Provides detailed demographic data updated annually by the Census Bureau. View the opens new windowlist of compass handbooks for data users.
opens new windowA-Z Index (U.S. Census Bureau)
opens new windowHealth (U.S. Census Bureau)
opens new windowPeople and Households (U.S. Census Bureau) - Access to Census data on people and households by subject
opens new windowQuickFacts, United States (U.S. Census Bureau) - Quick, easy access to facts about people, business, and geography" at the national, state, county, and city level.
Reference Databases
- Sample Reports
- opens new windowDeaths of Despair (2023) - Current Situation: "...Vast amounts of fentanyl continue to flood the United States. Last year, for example, the Drug Enforcement Administration seized 379 million doses of the drug, enough to kill every person in the country. Drug overdose deaths were up by 14 percent in 2021 over the previous year, the latest year for which the CDC has statistics, two-thirds of those caused by fentanyl."
- opens new window"Native American Youths" (April 2015) Check out the "Issue Tracker" to view updates and related reports.
- Try this: For current reports on hot topics in health, click Browse CQR at the top of the databases, then choose Health.T
- CIA World FactbookProvides basic intelligence on the history, people, government, economy, energy, geography, environment, communications, transportation, military, terrorism, and transnational issues for 266 world entities.