How to Use Subject Headings & MeSH 2021

To find articles, search databases using keyword and subjects.

For articles on "nursing ethics" in CINAHL and MEDLINE databases, search and browse the Medical Subject Headings. Once you identify a subject heading, mark the heading and relevant subheadings, then click Search Databases. Add keywords to your subject heading search or search and add another subject.

The two images below show a comparison of subheadings for "nursing ethics" in two databases.

Example: CINAHL - Subject heading for "nursing ethics"
As shown in the example below, when you check the box in front of a term the subheadings are displayed for that term. Select any or all subheadings to add to your search.

Mesh-nursing ethics

Example: MEDLINE - MESH 2021 for "nursing ethics"
Marking the box in front of a term displays the subheadings, which vary from those in the CINAHL database (shown above).

MeSH Nursing Ethics

Search Examples with Links to Article Lists

Examples below show searches using subject heading. Links go to the search result and article list.

opens new windowMH "Codes of Ethics"+/LJ = [Major Heading "Codes of Ethics" and subheading "Legislation & Jurisprudence/LJ" in MEDLINE]

opens new window(MH "Codes of Ethics+/LJ") AND (MH "nurse's role") [in MEDLINE]

opens new window(MH "Codes of Ethics") AND (MH "nurse's role") [in MEDLINE]